#' River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System (RIVPACS) Index and RIVPACS Condition Category
#' (SoCal only)
#' @description
#' For more information concerning RIVPACS, consult the CASQO Technical Manual page 80
#' @param benthic_data data frame stored in the R environment. Note that this data frame MUST contain the following
#' information with these headings:
#' \code{StationID} - an alpha-numeric identifier of the location;
#' \code{Replicate} - a numeric identifying the replicate number of samples taken at the location;
#' \code{SampleDate} - the date of sample collection;
#' \code{Latitude} - latitude in decimal degrees;
#' \code{Longitude} - longitude in decimal degrees. Make sure there is a negative sign for the Western coordinates;
#' \code{Taxon} - name of the fauna, ideally in SCAMIT ed12 format, do not use sp. or spp.,
#' use sp only or just the Genus. If no animals were present in the sample use
#' NoOrganismsPresent with 0 abundance;
#' \code{Abundance} - the number of each Species observed in a sample;
#' \code{Salinity} - the salinity observed at the location in PSU, ideally at time of sampling;
#' \code{Stratum} - ;
#' \code{Exclude} - ;
#' @usage
#' RIVPACS(benthic_data)
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @examples
#' data(benthic_sampledata)
#' RIVPACS(benthic_sampledata)
#' @export
# This is what we will use for RIVPACS
RIVPACS <- function(benthic_data, logfile = file.path(getwd(), 'logs', format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"), 'log.txt' ), verbose = F){
# Initialize Logging
init.log(logfile, base.func.name = sys.call(), current.time = Sys.time(), is.base.func = length(sys.calls()) == 1, verbose = verbose)
writelog('\n### BEGIN: RIVPACS function.\n ', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
writelog('\nInformation on RIVPACS is on page 72 of the CASQO Technical Manual (June 2021 edition)\n', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
# assign input data to a new variable name - avoids namespace conflicts in the RMarkdown log
# the input data gets modified so we would rather modify this copy of the input dataframe
benthic.rivpacs.input <- benthic_data
'\n#### Rename input variable',
logfile = logfile,
code = 'benthic.rivpacs.input <- benthic_data',
data = benthic_data,
verbose = verbose
# ---- Save the raw input to an RData file (for the sake of those who want the auditing logs) ----
rawinput.filename <- 'benthic.rivpacs.input.RData'
if (verbose) {
save(benthic.rivpacs.input, file = file.path( dirname(logfile), rawinput.filename ))
# Create code block and download link to RIVPACS input
'\n#### Input to RIVPACS - RIVPACS-step0.csv',
logfile = logfile,
code = paste0("load('", rawinput.filename, "') ### This will load a dataframe called 'benthic.rivpacs.input' into your environment"),
data = benthic.rivpacs.input,
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = benthic.rivpacs.input, logfile = logfile, filename = 'RIVPACS-step0.csv', linktext = 'Download RIVPACS initial input', verbose = verbose)
# Split to SoCal and SFBay.
## We are only working with SoCal data so we don't need to do this!
# SCB Predictors - needs to be logged
scb.predictors <- data.frame(Latitude = benthic.rivpacs.input$Latitude,
Longitude = benthic.rivpacs.input$Longitude,
SampleDepth = benthic.rivpacs.input$SampleDepth) %>%
# Create code block and download link to BRI input
'\n#### SCB Predictors',
logfile = logfile,
code = '
scb.predictors <- data.frame(Latitude = benthic.rivpacs.input$Latitude,
Longitude = benthic.rivpacs.input$Longitude,
SampleDepth = benthic.rivpacs.input$SampleDepth) %>%
data = scb.predictors %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = scb.predictors, logfile = logfile, filename = 'RIVPACS-SCB.Predictors.csv', linktext = 'Download RIVPACS initial input', verbose = verbose)
# RIVPACS Data Prep step 1 - rename taxa to Taxon
benthic.rivpacs.input <- benthic.rivpacs.input %>% dplyr::rename(Taxa = Taxon)
# Write to the logs for RIVPACS Data Prep step 1
'\n#### RIVPACS Data Prep step 1 - rename taxa to Taxon',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
benthic.rivpacs.input <- benthic.rivpacs.input %>% dplyr::rename(Taxa = Taxon)",
data = benthic.rivpacs.input %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = benthic.rivpacs.input, logfile = logfile, filename = 'RIVPACS-DataPrep-step1.csv', linktext = 'Download RIVPACS Data Prep step 1', verbose = verbose)
# RIVPACS data prep step 2 - get distinct records on StationID, Latitude, Longitude, SampleDepth - also set row names to StationID
scb.taxa <- benthic.rivpacs.input %>% dplyr::select(StationID, Latitude, Longitude, SampleDepth) %>%
# Write to the logs for RIVPACS data prep step 2
'\n#### RIVPACS data prep step 2 - get distinct records on StationID, Latitude, Longitude, SampleDepth',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
scb.taxa <- benthic.rivpacs.input %>%
dplyr::select(StationID, Latitude, Longitude, SampleDepth) %>%
data = scb.taxa,
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = scb.taxa, logfile = logfile, filename = 'RIVPACS-DataPrep-step2.csv', linktext = 'Download RIVPACS Data Prep step 2', verbose = verbose)
# RIVPACS data prep step 3 - set up the scb predictors
row.names(scb.predictors) <- scb.taxa$StationID
scb.predictors <- as.matrix(scb.predictors)
# Write to the logs for RIVPACS data prep step 3
'\n#### RIVPACS data prep step 3 - set up the scb predictors',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
row.names(scb.predictors) <- scb.taxa$StationID
scb.predictors <- as.matrix(scb.predictors)
data = scb.predictors %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = scb.predictors, logfile = logfile, filename = 'RIVPACS-DataPrep-step3.csv', linktext = 'Download RIVPACS Data Prep step 3', verbose = verbose)
# RIVPACS data prep step 4 - Filter to replicate one and get distinct values on StationID Taxa and Abundance
scb.taxa <- benthic.rivpacs.input %>%
dplyr::filter(Replicate == 1) %>%
dplyr::select(StationID, Taxa, Abundance) %>%
# Write to the logs for RIVPACS data prep step 4
'\n#### RIVPACS data prep step 4 - Filter to replicate one and get distinct values on StationID, Taxa, and Abundance',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
scb.taxa <- benthic.rivpacs.input %>%
dplyr::filter(Replicate == 1) %>%
dplyr::select(StationID, Taxa, Abundance) %>%
data = scb.taxa %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = scb.taxa, logfile = logfile, filename = 'RIVPACS-DataPrep-step4.csv', linktext = 'Download RIVPACS Data Prep step 4', verbose = verbose)
# RIVPACS Data prep step 5 - remove certain special characters from taxa name
scb.taxa$Taxa <- gsub(" ", "_", scb.taxa$Taxa, fixed = TRUE)
scb.taxa$Taxa <- gsub("(", "_", scb.taxa$Taxa, fixed = TRUE)
scb.taxa$Taxa <- gsub(")", "_", scb.taxa$Taxa, fixed = TRUE)
# Write to the logs for RIVPACS data prep step 5
'\n#### RIVPACS Data prep step 5 - remove certain special characters from taxa name',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
scb.taxa$Taxa <- gsub(' ', '_', scb.taxa$Taxa, fixed = TRUE)
scb.taxa$Taxa <- gsub('(', '_', scb.taxa$Taxa, fixed = TRUE)
scb.taxa$Taxa <- gsub(')', '_', scb.taxa$Taxa, fixed = TRUE)
data = scb.taxa %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = scb.taxa, logfile = logfile, filename = 'RIVPACS-DataPrep-step5.csv', linktext = 'Download RIVPACS Data Prep step 5', verbose = verbose)
# RIVPACS Data prep step 6 - pivot the data out wide and make it a data.frame
scb.taxa <- scb.taxa %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = "StationID", names_from = "Taxa",
values_from = "Abundance", values_fn = list(Abundance = list))
scb.taxa <- as.data.frame(scb.taxa)
# Write to the logs for RIVPACS data prep step 6
'\n#### RIVPACS Data prep step 6 - pivot the data out wide and make it a data.frame',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
scb.taxa <- scb.taxa %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = 'StationID', names_from = 'Taxa',
values_from = 'Abundance', values_fn = list(Abundance = list))
scb.taxa <- as.data.frame(scb.taxa)
data = scb.taxa %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
# Convert lists to strings for CSV writing
scb.taxa_writable <- scb.taxa
scb.taxa_writable[] <- lapply(scb.taxa_writable, function(x) if(is.list(x)) sapply(x, toString) else x)
create_download_link(data = scb.taxa_writable, logfile = logfile, filename = 'RIVPACS-DataPrep-step6.csv', linktext = 'Download RIVPACS Data Prep step 6', verbose = verbose)
# RIVPACS Data prep step 7
scb.taxa <- scb.taxa[, -1]
# Write to the logs for RIVPACS data prep step 7
'\n#### RIVPACS Data prep step 7',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
scb.taxa <- scb.taxa[, -1]
data = scb.taxa %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
# Convert lists to strings for CSV writing
scb.taxa_writable <- scb.taxa
scb.taxa_writable[] <- lapply(scb.taxa_writable, function(x) if(is.list(x)) sapply(x, toString) else x)
create_download_link(data = scb.taxa_writable, logfile = logfile, filename = 'RIVPACS-DataPrep-step7.csv', linktext = 'Download RIVPACS Data Prep step 7', verbose = verbose)
# RIVPACS data prep step 8 - remove Abundance. from column names
colnames(scb.taxa) <- gsub("Abundance.", "", colnames(scb.taxa))
# Write to the logs for RIVPACS data prep step 8
'\n#### RIVPACS data prep step 8 - remove Abundance. from column names',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
colnames(scb.taxa) <- gsub('Abundance.', '', colnames(scb.taxa))
data = scb.taxa %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
# Convert lists to strings for CSV writing
scb.taxa_writable <- scb.taxa
scb.taxa_writable[] <- lapply(scb.taxa_writable, function(x) if(is.list(x)) sapply(x, toString) else x)
create_download_link(data = scb.taxa_writable, logfile = logfile, filename = 'RIVPACS-DataPrep-step8.csv', linktext = 'Download RIVPACS Data Prep step 8', verbose = verbose)
# RIVPACS data prep step 9 - Replace NAs with zero.
scb.taxa[scb.taxa == "NULL"] <- 0
scb.taxa = as.data.frame(lapply(scb.taxa, as.numeric))
row.names(scb.taxa) <- row.names(scb.predictors)
# Write to the logs for RIVPACS data prep step 9
'\n#### RIVPACS data prep step 9 - Replace NAs with zero.',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
scb.taxa[scb.taxa == 'NULL'] <- 0
scb.taxa <- as.data.frame(lapply(scb.taxa, as.numeric))
row.names(scb.taxa) <- row.names(scb.predictors)
data = scb.taxa %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
# Convert lists to strings for CSV writing
scb.taxa_writable <- scb.taxa
scb.taxa_writable[] <- lapply(scb.taxa_writable, function(x) if(is.list(x)) sapply(x, toString) else x)
create_download_link(data = scb.taxa_writable, logfile = logfile, filename = 'RIVPACS-DataPrep-step8.csv', linktext = 'Download RIVPACS Data Prep step 8', verbose = verbose)
# RIVPACS calculations. By default the functions use the example user data.
socal <- SoCalRivpacs(observed.predictors = scb.predictors, observed.taxa = scb.taxa, logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
# Write to the logs for RIVPACS calculations
'\n#### RIVPACS calculations. By default the functions use the example user data.',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
socal <- SoCalRivpacs(observed.predictors = scb.predictors, observed.taxa = scb.taxa)
verbose = verbose
# the stations column of the oe table dataframe was being returned as a factor. Need to make that a character
socal$oe.table <- socal$oe.table %>%
# Write to the logs for converting stations column to character in oe table dataframe
'\n#### The stations column of the oe table dataframe was being returned as a factor. Need to make that a character',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
socal$oe.table <- socal$oe.table %>%
mutate_if(is.factor, as.character)
data = socal$oe.table %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = socal$oe.table, logfile = logfile, filename = 'RIVPACS-socal.oe-table.csv', linktext = 'Download RIVPACS socal Observed/Expected table', verbose = verbose)
# Get the distinct values in benthic data based on StationID Replicate SampleDate Stratum
benthic.rivpacs.input <- benthic.rivpacs.input %>%
dplyr::select(StationID, Replicate, SampleDate, Stratum) %>%
# Write to the logs for getting distinct values in benthic data based on StationID, Replicate, SampleDate, Stratum
'\n#### Get the distinct values in benthic data based on StationID, Replicate, SampleDate, Stratum',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
benthic.rivpacs.input <- benthic.rivpacs.input %>%
dplyr::select(StationID, Replicate, SampleDate, Stratum) %>%
data = benthic.rivpacs.input %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = benthic.rivpacs.input, logfile = logfile, filename = 'benthic-data-distinct.csv', linktext = 'Download distinct benthic data', verbose = verbose)
# Calculate RIVPACS Scores
# Riv step 0 - select stations and Observed/Expected
riv0 <- socal$oe.table %>%
dplyr::select(stations, O.over.E)
# Write to the logs for RIVPACS Scores calculation step 0
'\n#### Calculate RIVPACS Scores\nRiv step 0 - select stations and Observed/Expected',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
riv0 <- socal$oe.table %>%
dplyr::select(stations, O.over.E)
data = riv0 %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = riv0, logfile = logfile, filename = 'RIVPACS-Scores-step0.csv', linktext = 'Download RIVPACS Scores step 0', verbose = verbose)
# Riv step 1 - join with benthic data
riv1 <- riv0 %>%
dplyr::rename(StationID = stations, Score = O.over.E) %>%
dplyr::full_join(benthic.rivpacs.input) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Index = "RIVPACS")
# Write to the logs for RIVPACS Scores calculation step 1
'\n#### Riv step 1 - join with benthic data',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
riv1 <- riv0 %>%
dplyr::rename(StationID = stations, Score = O.over.E) %>%
dplyr::full_join(benthic.rivpacs.input) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Index = 'RIVPACS')
data = riv1 %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = riv1, logfile = logfile, filename = 'RIVPACS-Scores-step1.csv', linktext = 'Download RIVPACS Scores step 1', verbose = verbose)
# Get the scores based on the thresholds page 73 table 4.25 - https://ftp.sccwrp.org/pub/download/DOCUMENTS/TechnicalReports/777_CASQO_TechnicalManual.pdf
rivpacs.score <- riv1 %>%
Score = round(Score, 2),
Category = case_when(
(Score < 0.33) ~ "High Disturbance",
((Score >= 0.33 & Score < 0.75) | (Score > 1.25)) ~ "Moderate Disturbance",
((Score >= 0.75 & Score <= 0.90) | Score >= 1.10 & Score <= 1.25) ~ "Low Disturbance",
(Score > 0.90 & Score < 1.10) ~ "Reference"
) %>%
`Category Score` = case_when(
Category == "Reference" ~ 1,
Category == "Low Disturbance" ~ 2,
Category == "Moderate Disturbance" ~ 3,
Category == "High Disturbance" ~ 4
) %>%
dplyr::select(StationID, SampleDate, Replicate, Stratum, Index, Score, Category, `Category Score`)
# Write to the logs for getting scores based on thresholds
# Round the score before comparison with the threshold cutoff values - since they are rounded to two decimal places
# Furthermore, when you read the technical manual, you can tell that the comparison is such that it expects the score to be rounded to two decimal places
# It treats ">= 0.75" the same as "<= 0.74" which means it is almost treating the Score as a discrete number which would not exceed more than two decimal places
'\n#### Get the scores based on the thresholds page 73 table 4.25 - https://ftp.sccwrp.org/pub/download/DOCUMENTS/TechnicalReports/777_CASQO_TechnicalManual.pdf',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
# Round the score before comparison with the threshold cutoff values - since they are rounded to two decimal places
# Furthermore, when you read the technical manual, you can tell that the comparison is such that it expects the score to be rounded to two decimal places
# It treats '>= 0.75' the same as '<= 0.74' which means it is almost treating the Score as a discrete number which would not exceed more than two decimal places
rivpacs.score <- riv1 %>%
Score = round(Score, 2),
Category = case_when(
Score < 0.33 ~ 'High Disturbance',
(Score >= 0.33 & Score < 0.75) | (Score > 1.25) ~ 'Moderate Disturbance',
(Score >= 0.75 & Score <= 0.90) | (Score >= 1.10 & Score <= 1.25) ~ 'Low Disturbance',
(Score > 0.90 & Score < 1.10) ~ 'Reference'
)) %>%
`Category Score` = case_when(
Category == 'Reference' ~ 1,
Category == 'Low Disturbance' ~ 2,
Category == 'Moderate Disturbance' ~ 3,
Category == 'High Disturbance' ~ 4
) %>%
dplyr::select(StationID, SampleDate, Replicate, Stratum, Index, Score, Category, `Category Score`)
data = rivpacs.score %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = rivpacs.score, logfile = logfile, filename = 'RIVPACS-Scores.csv', linktext = 'Download RIVPACS Scores', verbose = verbose)
writelog('\n### END: RIVPACS function.\n', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
#' This is the original RIVPACS function. Called by the function called "RIVPACS" which outputs the data in a more friendly format.
#' This function does most of the heavy lifting though
#' Exporting it so it can be more accessible
#' @export
SoCalRivpacs <- function(Pcutoff = 0.5,
reference.groups = socal.reference.groups,
observed.predictors = socal.example.habitat,
reference.taxa = socal.reference.taxa,
group.means = socal.reference.group.means,
reference.cov = socal.reference.covariance,
observed.taxa = socal.example.taxa,
logfile = file.path(getwd(), 'logs', format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"), 'log.txt' ),
verbose = F
) {
writelog('\n##### **BEGIN**: So Cal RIVPACS function.\n', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
# Save the reference groups to an RData file
tmp.filename <- 'benthic.rivpacs.socal.reference.groups.RData'
if (verbose) {
save(reference.groups, file = file.path( dirname(logfile), tmp.filename ))
# Create code block and download link to reference.groups
'\n##### SoCal RIVPACS Reference Groups',
logfile = logfile,
code = paste0("load('", tmp.filename, "') ### This will load a dataframe called 'reference.groups' into your environment"),
verbose = verbose
# Save the observed.predictors to an RData file
tmp.filename <- 'benthic.rivpacs.socal.observed.predictors.RData'
if (verbose) {
save(observed.predictors, file = file.path( dirname(logfile), tmp.filename ))
# Create code block and download link to observed.predictors
'\n##### SoCal RIVPACS Observed Predictors',
logfile = logfile,
code = paste0("load('", tmp.filename, "') ### This will load a dataframe called 'observed.predictors' into your environment"),
verbose = verbose
# Save the reference taxa to an RData file
tmp.filename <- 'benthic.rivpacs.socal.reference.taxa.RData'
if (verbose) {
save(reference.taxa, file = file.path(dirname(logfile), tmp.filename))
# Create code block and download link to reference.taxa
'\n##### SoCal RIVPACS Reference Taxa',
logfile = logfile,
code = paste0("load('", tmp.filename, "') ### This will load a dataframe called 'reference.taxa' into your environment"),
verbose = verbose
# Save the group means to an RData file
tmp.filename <- 'benthic.rivpacs.socal.group.means.RData'
if (verbose) {
save(group.means, file = file.path(dirname(logfile), tmp.filename))
# Create code block and download link to group.means
'\n##### SoCal RIVPACS Group Means',
logfile = logfile,
code = paste0("load('", tmp.filename, "') ### This will load a dataframe called 'group.means' into your environment"),
verbose = verbose
# Save the reference covariance to an RData file
tmp.filename <- 'benthic.rivpacs.socal.reference.cov.RData'
if (verbose) {
save(reference.cov, file = file.path(dirname(logfile), tmp.filename))
# Create code block and download link to reference.cov
'\n##### SoCal RIVPACS Reference Covariance',
logfile = logfile,
code = paste0("load('", tmp.filename, "') ### This will load a dataframe called 'reference.cov' into your environment"),
verbose = verbose
# Save the observed taxa to an RData file
tmp.filename <- 'benthic.rivpacs.socal.observed.taxa.RData'
if (verbose) {
save(observed.taxa, file = file.path(dirname(logfile), tmp.filename))
# Create code block and download link to observed.taxa
'\n##### SoCal RIVPACS Observed Taxa',
logfile = logfile,
code = paste0("load('", tmp.filename, "') ### This will load a dataframe called 'observed.taxa' into your environment"),
verbose = verbose
# Pcutoff is the probability cutoff
# Log that so the user can see which value is being used
writelog( paste0("\n SoCal RIVPACS Pcutoff: " , Pcutoff), logfile = logfile, code = paste0("Pcutoff <- ", Pcutoff), verbose = verbose )
# Names of predictor variables.
predictor.variables <- c("Latitude", "Longitude", "SampleDepth")
# Write to the logs for names of predictor variables
'\n##### Names of predictor variables.',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
predictor.variables <- c('Latitude', 'Longitude', 'SampleDepth')
verbose = verbose
# ----- Define function - Format Observed Data -----
FormatObservedData <- function(
logfile = file.path(getwd(), 'logs', format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"), 'log.txt' ),
verbose = F
) {
# set up the hyphen log prefix - which hasnt yet worked as i want it to
# Align observed (user) data columns with reference data columns. Columns in same
# order. Observed data may have a different number of taxa (columns) than
# reference data.
# Convert observed.taxa to presence/absence (0/1)
tmp.pa <- observed.taxa
tmp.pa[tmp.pa > 0] <- 1
# Write to the logs for converting observed.taxa to presence/absence (0/1)
'\n##### Convert observed.taxa to presence/absence (0/1)',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
tmp.pa <- observed.taxa
tmp.pa[tmp.pa > 0] <- 1
data = tmp.pa %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = tmp.pa, logfile = logfile, filename = 'observed-taxa-presence-absence.csv', linktext = 'Download observed taxa presence/absence', verbose = verbose)
# Align rows using predictor variables.
tmp.pa <- tmp.pa[row.names(observed.predictors), ] # !!! is this required???
# Write to the logs for aligning rows using predictor variables
'\n##### Align rows using predictor variables.',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
tmp.pa <- tmp.pa[row.names(observed.predictors), ]
data = tmp.pa %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = tmp.pa, logfile = logfile, filename = 'aligned-observed-taxa.csv', linktext = 'Download aligned observed taxa', verbose = verbose)
# Container matrix.
n.observed.sites <- dim(tmp.pa)[1]
# Write to the logs for container matrix
'\n##### Container matrix.',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
n.observed.sites <- dim(tmp.pa)[1]
verbose = verbose
# get number of reference taxa
n.reference.taxa <- dim(reference.taxa)[2]
# Write to the logs for getting number of reference taxa
'\n##### Get number of reference taxa',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
n.reference.taxa <- dim(reference.taxa)[2]
verbose = verbose
# Observed Taxa presence absence matrix
observed.taxa.pa <- matrix(rep(0, times = n.observed.sites * n.reference.taxa),
nrow = n.observed.sites, ncol = n.reference.taxa,
dimnames = list(rownames(tmp.pa), names(reference.taxa)))
# Write to the logs for Observed Taxa presence absence matrix
'\n##### Observed Taxa presence absence matrix',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
observed.taxa.pa <- matrix(rep(0, times = n.observed.sites * n.reference.taxa),
nrow = n.observed.sites, ncol = n.reference.taxa,
dimnames = list(rownames(tmp.pa), names(reference.taxa)))
data = observed.taxa.pa %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = observed.taxa.pa, logfile = logfile, filename = 'observed-taxa-pa-matrix.csv', linktext = 'Download Observed Taxa PA matrix', verbose = verbose)
# Fill container with observed data.
col.match <- match(dimnames(observed.taxa.pa)[[2]], dimnames(tmp.pa)[[2]])
for(i in 1:n.reference.taxa) {
if(!is.na(col.match[i])) observed.taxa.pa[, i] <- tmp.pa[, col.match[i]]
# Write to the logs for filling container with observed data
'\nFill container with observed data.',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
col.match <- match(dimnames(observed.taxa.pa)[[2]], dimnames(tmp.pa)[[2]])
for(i in 1:n.reference.taxa) {
if(!is.na(col.match[i])) observed.taxa.pa[, i] <- tmp.pa[, col.match[i]]
data = observed.taxa.pa %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = observed.taxa.pa, logfile = logfile, filename = 'container-observed-data-filled.csv', linktext = 'Download observed taxa dataframe', verbose = verbose)
# The matrix observed.taxa.pa contains the observed.scores used for O/E.
# Write to the logs for defining the FormatObservedData function
'\n##### Define function - Format Observed Data',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
FormatObservedData <- function() {
# set up the hyphen log prefix - which hasnt yet worked as i want it to
# Align observed (user) data columns with reference data columns. Columns in same
# order. Observed data may have a different number of taxa (columns) than
# reference data.
# Convert observed.taxa to presence/absence (0/1)
tmp.pa <- observed.taxa
tmp.pa[tmp.pa > 0] <- 1
# Align rows using predictor variables.
tmp.pa <- tmp.pa[row.names(observed.predictors), ] # !!! is this required???
# Container matrix.
n.observed.sites <- dim(tmp.pa)[1]
# get number of reference taxa
n.reference.taxa <- dim(reference.taxa)[2]
# Observed Taxa presence absence matrix
observed.taxa.pa <- matrix(rep(0, times = n.observed.sites * n.reference.taxa),
nrow = n.observed.sites, ncol = n.reference.taxa,
dimnames = list(rownames(tmp.pa), names(reference.taxa)))
# Fill container with observed data.
col.match <- match(dimnames(observed.taxa.pa)[[2]], dimnames(tmp.pa)[[2]])
for(i in 1:n.reference.taxa) {
if(!is.na(col.match[i])) observed.taxa.pa[, i] <- tmp.pa[, col.match[i]]
# The matrix observed.taxa.pa contains the observed.scores used for O/E.
verbose = verbose
# Call Format observed data function
observed.data <- FormatObservedData(logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
# Write to the logs for calling FormatObservedData function
'\n##### Call FormatObservedData function',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
observed.data <- FormatObservedData()
data = observed.data %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = observed.data, logfile = logfile, filename = 'formatted-observed-data.csv', linktext = 'Download formatted observed data', verbose = verbose)
# ----- Define Calculate Expected Data -----
CalculateExpectedData <- function(
logfile = file.path(getwd(), 'logs', format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"), 'log.txt' ),
verbose = F
) {
writelog('\n##### **BEGIN: Calculate Expected Data function.**\n', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
# Calculate probability of sites belonging to groups. Follow RIVPACS assumption
# of weighting the group probabilities by reference group size. Flags outlier
# sites, using the chi-squared statistic.
# In Calcluate Expected Data Function - Definitions.
n.predictor.variables <- length(predictor.variables)
group.size <- table(reference.groups)
n.groups <- length(group.size)
# Write to the logs for Calculate Expected Data Function - Definitions
'\n##### In Calculate Expected Data Function - Definitions',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
n.predictor.variables <- length(predictor.variables)
group.size <- table(reference.groups)
n.groups <- length(group.size)
verbose = verbose
# Chi-squared values for flagging outlier samples.
degrees.freedom <- min(c(n.predictor.variables, (n.groups - 1)))
crit.01 <- qchisq(0.99, df = degrees.freedom)
crit.05 <- qchisq(0.95, df = degrees.freedom)
# Write to the logs for Chi-squared values for flagging outlier samples
'\n##### Degrees of Freedom and Chi-squared values for flagging outlier samples.',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
degrees.freedom <- min(c(n.predictor.variables, (n.groups - 1)))
crit.01 <- qchisq(0.99, df = degrees.freedom)
crit.05 <- qchisq(0.95, df = degrees.freedom)
print('degrees freedom')
verbose = verbose
# Container for probabilities.
n.observed.sites.filtered <- dim(observed.predictors)[[1]]
# Write to the logs for container for probabilities
'\n##### Container for probabilities.',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
n.observed.sites.filtered <- dim(observed.predictors)[[1]]
verbose = verbose
# Group Probabilities
group.probabilities <- matrix(rep(0, n.observed.sites.filtered * n.groups),
nrow = n.observed.sites.filtered,
dimnames = list(dimnames(observed.predictors)[[1]],
# Write to the logs for Group Probabilities
'\n##### Group Probabilities',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
group.probabilities <- matrix(rep(0, n.observed.sites.filtered * n.groups),
nrow = n.observed.sites.filtered,
dimnames = list(dimnames(observed.predictors)[[1]],
data = group.probabilities,
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = group.probabilities, logfile = logfile, filename = 'group-probabilities-initial.csv', linktext = 'Download group probabilities (initial)', verbose = verbose)
# Container for outlier flags and minimum distance.
outlier.flag <- data.frame(outlier.05 = rep(0, n.observed.sites.filtered),
outlier.01 = rep(0, n.observed.sites.filtered),
min.distance = rep(0, n.observed.sites.filtered),
row.names = dimnames(observed.predictors)[[1]])
# Write to the logs for container for outlier flags and minimum distance
'\n##### Container for outlier flags and minimum distance.',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
outlier.flag <- data.frame(outlier.05 = rep(0, n.observed.sites.filtered),
outlier.01 = rep(0, n.observed.sites.filtered),
min.distance = rep(0, n.observed.sites.filtered),
row.names = dimnames(observed.predictors)[[1]])
data = outlier.flag %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = outlier.flag, logfile = logfile, filename = 'outlier-flags-and-distance-initial.csv', linktext = 'Download outlier flags and distance (iniital)', verbose = verbose)
# calculate group membership probabilities for each sample and find outliers.
for(i in 1:n.observed.sites.filtered) {
# Squared Mahalanobis distance from current sample to each group mean.
distances <- mahalanobis(group.means,
inverted = TRUE)
group.probabilities[i,] <- group.size * exp(-0.5 * distances) # see Clarke et al. (2000)
group.probabilities[i,] <- group.probabilities[i, ] / sum(group.probabilities[i, ])
# Outlier criteria is minimum distance.
outlier.flag$min.distance[i] <- min(distances)
# Check for outliers. Each sample is either a pass (0) or fail (1).
if(outlier.flag$min.distance[i] > crit.05) outlier.flag[i, "outlier.05"] <- 1
if(outlier.flag$min.distance[i] > crit.01) outlier.flag[i, "outlier.01"] <- 1
# Write to the logs for calculating group membership probabilities and finding outliers
'\n##### Calculate group membership probabilities for each sample and find outliers.',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
for(i in 1:n.observed.sites.filtered) {
# Squared Mahalanobis distance from current sample to each group mean.
distances <- mahalanobis(group.means,
inverted = TRUE)
group.probabilities[i,] <- group.size * exp(-0.5 * distances) # see Clarke et al. (2000)
group.probabilities[i,] <- group.probabilities[i, ] / sum(group.probabilities[i, ])
# Outlier criteria is minimum distance.
outlier.flag$min.distance[i] <- min(distances)
# Check for outliers. Each sample is either a pass (0) or fail (1).
if(outlier.flag$min.distance[i] > crit.05) outlier.flag[i, 'outlier.05'] <- 1
if(outlier.flag$min.distance[i] > crit.01) outlier.flag[i, 'outlier.01'] <- 1
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = group.probabilities, logfile = logfile, filename = 'group-probabilities.csv', linktext = 'Download group probabilities', verbose = verbose)
create_download_link(data = outlier.flag, logfile = logfile, filename = 'outlier-flag.csv', linktext = 'Download outlier flag', verbose = verbose)
# Occurrence frequencies of all taxa in the reference groups.
freq.in.group <- apply(reference.taxa, 2,
function(x){tapply(x, reference.groups, function(y){sum(y) / length(y)})})
# Write to the logs for occurrence frequencies of all taxa in the reference groups
'\n##### Occurrence frequencies of all taxa in the reference groups.',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
freq.in.group <- apply(reference.taxa, 2,
function(x) { tapply(x, reference.groups, function(y) { sum(y) / length(y) }) })
data = freq.in.group %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = freq.in.group, logfile = logfile, filename = 'occurrence-frequencies.csv', linktext = 'Download occurrence frequencies', verbose = verbose)
# Matrix algebra form of the RIVPACS combining formula (Clarke et al. 2003, Eq. 4).
predicted.prob.all <- group.probabilities %*% freq.in.group
# Write to the logs for Matrix algebra form of the RIVPACS combining formula (Clarke et al. 2003, Eq. 4)
'\n##### Matrix algebra form of the RIVPACS combining formula (Clarke et al. 2003, Eq. 4).',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
predicted.prob.all <- group.probabilities %*% freq.in.group
data = predicted.prob.all %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = predicted.prob.all, logfile = logfile, filename = 'predicted-prob-all.csv', linktext = 'Download predicted probabilities', verbose = verbose)
# predicted.prob.all are the predicted (expected) probabilites.
expected.data <- list(predicted = predicted.prob.all, outliers = outlier.flag, n = n.observed.sites.filtered)
# Write to the logs for predicted probabilities
'\n##### predicted.prob.all are the predicted (expected) probabilities.',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
expected.data <- list(predicted = predicted.prob.all, outliers = outlier.flag, n = n.observed.sites.filtered)
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = predicted.prob.all, logfile = logfile, filename = 'expected-predicted-prob.csv', linktext = 'Download predicted probabilities', verbose = verbose)
#create_download_link(data = outlier.flag, logfile = logfile, filename = 'expected-outliers.csv', linktext = 'Download outliers', verbose = verbose)
#create_download_link(data = data.frame(n.observed.sites.filtered), logfile = logfile, filename = 'expected-n-sites.csv', linktext = 'Download number of observed sites', verbose = verbose)
writelog('\n##### **END: Calculate Expected Data function.**\n', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
# Write to the logs for defining CalculateExpectedData function
'\n#### Define CalculateExpectedData function',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
CalculateExpectedData <- function() {
# set up the hyphen log prefix - which hasn't yet worked as I want it to
# Calculate probability of sites belonging to groups. Follow RIVPACS assumption
# of weighting the group probabilities by reference group size. Flags outlier
# sites, using the chi-squared statistic.
# In Calculate Expected Data Function - Definitions.
n.predictor.variables <- length(predictor.variables)
group.size <- table(reference.groups)
n.groups <- length(group.size)
# Chi-squared values for flagging outlier samples.
degrees.freedom <- min(c(n.predictor.variables, (n.groups - 1)))
crit.01 <- qchisq(0.99, df = degrees.freedom)
crit.05 <- qchisq(0.95, df = degrees.freedom)
# Container for probabilities.
n.observed.sites.filtered <- dim(observed.predictors)[[1]]
# Group Probabilities
group.probabilities <- matrix(rep(0, n.observed.sites.filtered * n.groups),
nrow = n.observed.sites.filtered,
dimnames = list(dimnames(observed.predictors)[[1]],
# Container for outlier flags and minimum distance.
outlier.flag <- data.frame(outlier.05 = rep(0, n.observed.sites.filtered),
outlier.01 = rep(0, n.observed.sites.filtered),
min.distance = rep(0, n.observed.sites.filtered),
row.names = dimnames(observed.predictors)[[1]])
# Calculate group membership probabilities for each sample and find outliers.
for(i in 1:n.observed.sites.filtered) {
# Squared Mahalanobis distance from current sample to each group mean.
distances <- mahalanobis(group.means,
inverted = TRUE)
group.probabilities[i,] <- group.size * exp(-0.5 * distances) # see Clarke et al. (2000)
group.probabilities[i,] <- group.probabilities[i, ] / sum(group.probabilities[i, ])
# Outlier criteria is minimum distance.
outlier.flag$min.distance[i] <- min(distances)
# Check for outliers. Each sample is either a pass (0) or fail (1).
if(outlier.flag$min.distance[i] > crit.05) outlier.flag[i, 'outlier.05'] <- 1
if(outlier.flag$min.distance[i] > crit.01) outlier.flag[i, 'outlier.01'] <- 1
# Occurrence frequencies of all taxa in the reference groups.
freq.in.group <- apply(reference.taxa, 2,
function(x){tapply(x, reference.groups, function(y){sum(y) / length(y)})})
# Matrix algebra form of the RIVPACS combining formula (Clarke et al. 2003, Eq. 4).
predicted.prob.all <- group.probabilities %*% freq.in.group
# predicted.prob.all are the predicted (expected) probabilities.
expected.data <- list(predicted = predicted.prob.all, outliers = outlier.flag, n = n.observed.sites.filtered)
verbose = verbose
# Call CalculateExpectedData function
expected.data <- CalculateExpectedData(logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
# Write to the logs for calling CalculateExpectedData function
'\n#### Call CalculateExpectedData function',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
expected.data <- CalculateExpectedData()
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = expected.data$predicted, logfile = logfile, filename = 'expected-predicted-prob.csv', linktext = 'Download predicted probabilities (returned from CalculateExpectedData function)', verbose = verbose)
create_download_link(data = expected.data$outliers, logfile = logfile, filename = 'expected-outliers.csv', linktext = 'Download outliers (returned from CalculateExpectedData function)', verbose = verbose)
create_download_link(data = data.frame(expected.data$n), logfile = logfile, filename = 'expected-n-sites.csv', linktext = 'Download number of observed sites (returned from CalculateExpectedData function)', verbose = verbose)
# Define Calculate Scores Function -----
CalculateScores <- function(
logfile = file.path(getwd(), 'logs', format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"), 'log.txt' ),
verbose = F
) {
# set up the hyphen log prefix - which hasnt yet worked as i want it to
writelog('\n##### **BEGIN: Calculate Scores function.**\n', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
# Bray-Curtis dissimilarity
observed.score <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = expected.data$n)
expected.score <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = expected.data$n)
BC <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = expected.data$n) # Bray-Curtis dissimilarity
# Write to the logs for Bray-Curtis dissimilarity
'\n##### Bray-Curtis dissimilarity',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
observed.score <- vector(mode = 'numeric', length = expected.data$n)
expected.score <- vector(mode = 'numeric', length = expected.data$n)
BC <- vector(mode = 'numeric', length = expected.data$n) # Bray-Curtis dissimilarity
data = data.frame(observed.score, expected.score, BC),
verbose = verbose
for(i in 1:expected.data$n) {
# predicted probabilities for current sample
predicted.prob <- expected.data$predicted[i, ]
# subset of taxa with probabilities >= Pcutoff
taxa.subset <- names(predicted.prob)[predicted.prob >= Pcutoff]
# probabilities for subset of included taxa
expected.prob <- predicted.prob[taxa.subset]
# observed presence/absence for those taxa
observed.pa <- observed.data[i, taxa.subset]
# observed richness (O)
observed.score[i] <- sum(observed.pa)
# expected richness (E)
expected.score[i] <- sum(expected.prob)
# BC value
BC[i] <- sum(abs(observed.pa - expected.prob)) /
(observed.score[i] + expected.score[i])
error = function(e) {
# observed richness (O)
observed.score[i] <- NA_real_
# expected richness (E)
expected.score[i] <- NA_real_
# BC value
BC[i] <- NA_real_
# Get the stats dataframe
O.over.E <- observed.score/expected.score
stats <- data.frame(stations = row.names(observed.predictors),
O = observed.score,
E = round(expected.score, digits = 4),
O.over.E = round(O.over.E, digits = 4))
# Write to the logs for getting the stats dataframe
'\nGet the stats dataframe',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
O.over.E <- observed.score / expected.score
stats <- data.frame(
stations = row.names(observed.predictors),
O = observed.score,
E = round(expected.score, digits = 4),
O.over.E = round(O.over.E, digits = 4)
data = stats %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = stats, logfile = logfile, filename = 'stats-dataframe.csv', linktext = 'Download stats dataframe', verbose = verbose)
# create outlier columns on that stats dataframe
stats$outlier.05 <- expected.data$outliers$outlier.05
stats$outlier.01 <- expected.data$outliers$outlier.01
# Write to the logs for creating outlier columns on the stats dataframe
'\n##### Create outlier columns on the stats dataframe',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
stats$outlier.05 <- expected.data$outliers$outlier.05
stats$outlier.01 <- expected.data$outliers$outlier.01
data = stats,
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = stats, logfile = logfile, filename = 'stats-dataframe-with-outliers.csv', linktext = 'Download stats dataframe with outliers', verbose = verbose)
# Convert to "PASS" or "FAIL"
stats$outlier.05[stats$outlier.05 == 0] <- "PASS"
stats$outlier.05[stats$outlier.05 == 1] <- "FAIL"
stats$outlier.01[stats$outlier.01 == 0] <- "PASS"
stats$outlier.01[stats$outlier.01 == 1] <- "FAIL"
# Write to the logs for converting outlier columns to "PASS" or "FAIL"
'\n##### Convert outlier columns to "PASS" or "FAIL"',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
stats$outlier.05[stats$outlier.05 == 0] <- 'PASS'
stats$outlier.05[stats$outlier.05 == 1] <- 'FAIL'
stats$outlier.01[stats$outlier.01 == 0] <- 'PASS'
stats$outlier.01[stats$outlier.01 == 1] <- 'FAIL'
data = stats %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = stats, logfile = logfile, filename = 'stats-dataframe-pass-fail.csv', linktext = 'Download stats dataframe with PASS/FAIL outliers', verbose = verbose)
writelog('\n##### **END: Calculate Scores function.**\n', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
# Write to the logs for defining CalculateScores function
'\n##### Define CalculateScores function',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
CalculateScores <- function() {
# set up the hyphen log prefix - which hasnt yet worked as i want it to
# Bray-Curtis dissimilarity
observed.score <- vector(mode = 'numeric', length = expected.data$n)
expected.score <- vector(mode = 'numeric', length = expected.data$n)
BC <- vector(mode = 'numeric', length = expected.data$n) # Bray-Curtis dissimilarity
for(i in 1:expected.data$n) {
# predicted probabilities for current sample
predicted.prob <- expected.data$predicted[i, ]
# subset of taxa with probabilities >= Pcutoff
taxa.subset <- names(predicted.prob)[predicted.prob >= Pcutoff]
# probabilities for subset of included taxa
expected.prob <- predicted.prob[taxa.subset]
# observed presence/absence for those taxa
observed.pa <- observed.data[i, taxa.subset]
# observed richness (O)
observed.score[i] <- sum(observed.pa)
# expected richness (E)
expected.score[i] <- sum(expected.prob)
# BC value
BC[i] <- sum(abs(observed.pa - expected.prob)) /
(observed.score[i] + expected.score[i])
error = function(e) {
# observed richness (O)
observed.score[i] <- NA_real_
# expected richness (E)
expected.score[i] <- NA_real_
# BC value
BC[i] <- NA_real_
# Get the stats dataframe
O.over.E <- observed.score / expected.score
stats <- data.frame(stations = row.names(observed.predictors),
O = observed.score,
E = round(expected.score, digits = 4),
O.over.E = round(O.over.E, digits = 4))
# create outlier columns on that stats dataframe
stats$outlier.05 <- expected.data$outliers$outlier.05
stats$outlier.01 <- expected.data$outliers$outlier.01
# Convert to 'PASS' or 'FAIL'
stats$outlier.05[stats$outlier.05 == 0] <- 'PASS'
stats$outlier.05[stats$outlier.05 == 1] <- 'FAIL'
stats$outlier.01[stats$outlier.01 == 0] <- 'PASS'
stats$outlier.01[stats$outlier.01 == 1] <- 'FAIL'
verbose = verbose
# Final Results
results <- list(oe.table = CalculateScores(logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose),
observed = observed.data,
predicted = expected.data$predicted,
Pcutoff = Pcutoff,
region = "scb")
# Write to the logs for final results
'\n#### Final SoCal RIVPACS Function Results',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
results <- list(
oe.table = CalculateScores(),
observed = observed.data,
predicted = expected.data$predicted,
Pcutoff = Pcutoff,
region = 'scb'
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = results$oe.table, logfile = logfile, filename = 'final-results-oe-table.csv', linktext = 'Download final results OE table', verbose = verbose)
create_download_link(data = results$observed, logfile = logfile, filename = 'final-results-observed.csv', linktext = 'Download final results observed', verbose = verbose)
create_download_link(data = results$predicted, logfile = logfile, filename = 'final-results-predicted.csv', linktext = 'Download final results predicted', verbose = verbose)
create_download_link(data = data.frame(results$Pcutoff), logfile = logfile, filename = 'final-results-pcutoff.csv', linktext = 'Download final results Pcutoff', verbose = verbose)
create_download_link(data = data.frame(results$region), logfile = logfile, filename = 'final-results-region.csv', linktext = 'Download final results region', verbose = verbose)
writelog('\n#### **END**: So Cal RIVPACS function.\n \n ', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
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