knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Parallelization was already available using parallel package (through mclApply function) but was not very easy to configure.

Now SCGLR is using the more modern future package and it's companion package future.apply for apply-like functions (both are needed but the later will be handled internally).

See for more information.

It will be easier to switch from simple parallelization to more complex architecture.

Parallelization is available for scglrCrossVal and scglrThemeBackward functions (more may be added later).

Activate parallelization

library(future.apply) # line not needed but package must be installed

# launch a local cluster backed by R sessions


Full code built on scglrCrossVal example

Nothing changes except the insertion of the code above.

library(future.apply) # line not needed but package must be installed

# launch a local cluster backed by R sessions

# load sample data

# get variable names from dataset
n <- names(genus)
ny <- n[grep("^gen",n)]    # Y <- names that begins with "gen"
nx <- n[-grep("^gen",n)]   # X <- remaining names

# remove "geology" and "surface" from nx
# as surface is offset and we want to use geology as additional covariate
nx <-nx[!nx%in%c("geology","surface")]

# build multivariate formula
# we also add "lat*lon" as computed covariate
form <- multivariateFormula(ny,c(nx,"I(lat*lon)"),A=c("geology"))

# define family
fam <- rep("poisson",length(ny))

# cross validation <- scglrCrossVal(formula=form, data=genus, family=fam, K=5,

SCnext/SCGLR documentation built on Feb. 10, 2024, 1:44 p.m.