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classimu Overview

The Time Series Simulation (classimu) R package generates various time series objects for use in other packages, in which includes:

To see what classimu is capable of, please refer to the "Vignettes" tabs above.

Install Instructions

To install the classimu package, there is currently one option: GitHub.

Installing the package through GitHub

For users who are interested in having the latest developments, this option is ideal. Though, more dependancies are required to run a stable version of the package. Most importantly, users must have a compiler installed on their machine that is compatible with R (e.g. Clang).

The setup to obtain the development version of classimu is platform dependent.

Requirements and Dependencies


Some users report the need to use X11 to suppress shared library errors. To install X11, visit


Both curl and libxml are required.

For Debian systems, enter the following in terminal:

sudo apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev

For RHEL systems, enter the following in terminal:

sudo yum install curl curl-devel libxml2 libxml2-dev

All Systems

The following R packages are also required. If you have made it this far, run the following code in an R session and you will be ready to use the devlopment version of classimu.

# Install dependencies

# Install the package from GitHub without Vignettes/User Guides

# Install the package with Vignettes/User Guides 
devtools::install_github("SMAC-Group/classimu", build_vignettes = TRUE)

SMAC-Group/classimu documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:23 p.m.