gmwm: Generalized Method of Wavelet Moments (GMWM)

View source: R/gmwm.r

gmwmR Documentation

Generalized Method of Wavelet Moments (GMWM)


Performs estimation of time series models by using the GMWM estimator.


  model.type = "imu",
  compute.v = "auto",
  robust = FALSE,
  eff = 0.6,
  alpha = 0.05,
  seed = 1337,
  G = NULL,
  K = 1,
  H = 100,
  freq = 1



A ts.model object containing one of the allowed models.


A matrix or data.frame object with only column (e.g. N \times 1), a lts object, or a gts object.


A string containing the type of GMWM needed: "imu" or "ssm".


A string indicating the type of covariance matrix solver. Valid values are: "fast", "bootstrap", "diag" (asymptotic diag), "full" (asymptotic full). By default, the program will fit a "fast" model.


A boolean indicating whether to use the robust computation (TRUE) or not (FALSE).


A double between 0 and 1 that indicates the efficiency.


A double between 0 and 1 that correspondings to the \frac{\alpha}{2} value for the wavelet confidence intervals.


An integer that controls the reproducibility of the auto model selection phase.


An integer to sample the space for IMU and SSM models to ensure optimal identitability.


An integer that controls how many times the bootstrapping procedure will be initiated.


An integer that indicates how many different samples the bootstrap will be collect.


A double that indicates the sampling frequency. By default, this is set to 1 and only is important if GM() is in the model


This function is under work. Some of the features are active. Others... Not so much.

The V matrix is calculated by: diag\left[ {{{\left( {Hi - Lo} \right)}^2}} \right].

The function is implemented in the following manner: 1. Calculate MODWT of data with levels = floor(log2(data)) 2. Apply the brick.wall of the MODWT (e.g. remove boundary values) 3. Compute the empirical wavelet variance (WV Empirical). 4. Obtain the V matrix by squaring the difference of the WV Empirical's Chi-squared confidence interval (hi - lo)^2 5. Optimize the values to obtain \hat{\theta} 6. If FAST = TRUE, return these results. Else, continue.

Loop k = 1 to K Loop h = 1 to H 7. Simulate xt under F_{\hat{\theta}} 8. Compute WV Empirical END 9. Calculate the covariance matrix 10. Optimize the values to obtain \hat{\theta} END 11. Return optimized values.

The function estimates a variety of time series models. If type = "imu" or "ssm", then parameter vector should indicate the characters of the models that compose the latent or state-space model. The model options are:

  • "AR1": a first order autoregressive process with parameters (\phi,\sigma^2)

  • "GM": a guass-markov process (\beta,\sigma_{gm}^2)

  • "ARMA": an autoregressive moving average process with parameters (\phi _p, \theta _q, \sigma^2)

  • "DR": a drift with parameter \omega

  • "QN": a quantization noise process with parameter Q

  • "RW": a random walk process with parameter \sigma^2

  • "WN": a white noise process with parameter \sigma^2

If only an ARMA() term is supplied, then the function takes conditional least squares as starting values If robust = TRUE the function takes the robust estimate of the wavelet variance to be used in the GMWM estimation procedure.


A gmwm object with the structure:

  • estimate: Estimated Parameters Values from the GMWM Procedure

  • init.guess: Initial Starting Values given to the Optimization Algorithm

  • wv.empir: The data's empirical wavelet variance

  • ci_low: Lower Confidence Interval

  • ci_high: Upper Confidence Interval

  • orgV: Original V matrix

  • V: Updated V matrix (if bootstrapped)

  • omega: The V matrix inversed

  • Value of the objective function at Estimated Parameter Values

  • theo: Summed Theoretical Wavelet Variance

  • decomp.theo: Decomposed Theoretical Wavelet Variance by Process

  • scales: Scales of the GMWM Object

  • robust: Indicates if parameter estimation was done under robust or classical

  • eff: Level of efficiency of robust estimation

  • model.type: Models being guessed

  • compute.v: Type of V matrix computation

  • augmented: Indicates moments have been augmented

  • alpha: Alpha level used to generate confidence intervals

  • expect.diff: Mean of the First Difference of the Signal

  • N: Length of the Signal

  • G: Number of Guesses Performed

  • H: Number of Bootstrap replications

  • K: Number of V matrix bootstraps

  • model: ts.model supplied to gmwm

  • model.hat: A new value of ts.model object supplied to gmwm

  • starting: Indicates whether the procedure used the initial guessing approach

  • seed: Randomization seed used to generate the guessing values

  • freq: Frequency of data

SMAC-Group/simts documentation built on Sept. 4, 2023, 5:25 a.m.