mediascores-package: mediascores: News-sharing Ideology from Social Media Link...

Description This library provides three sets of functions for the following tasks Model estimation Model diagnostics Model summary References


This library enables the examination of political communication by politicians and ordinary users on social media. It uses the news stories shared by users to estimate the news-sharing ideology of users and the ideology of the content that they share.

This library provides three sets of functions for the following tasks

(1) model estimation, (2) model diagnostics, and (3) model summary.

Model estimation

The core estimation function, mediascores, takes as an input a matrix or data.frame where the rows represent social media users and the columns represent the news media domains shared by each user. Each cell of the matrix represents the count of each domain shared by each user. If, for example, a user shares 10 news stories from the New York Times, the value of the cell indicated by the row of that user and the column of the New York Times would be a 10.

Model diagnostics

The object outputted from the estimation function mediascores is a stanfit-class object from the Stan Bayesian inference engine. All methods for the analysis of Stan objects are therefore useable for those outputted by the mediascores function. A helper function rhat is provided to give a quick summary of R-hat values to assess the most common convergence statistics for one's parameters of interest.

Model summary

Point estimates and credible intervals for the quantities of interest (i.e. the ideology of social media users and news organizations) are accessible through the point_est function.


Stan Development Team (2018). RStan: the R interface to Stan. R package version 2.18.2.

SMAPPNYU/mediascores documentation built on May 18, 2019, 1:30 p.m.