
Defines functions segmentPING

#' @importClassesFrom PICS segReads segReadsPE segReadsList segReadsListPE
#' @importFrom PICS segReadsGeneric
#' @export
segmentPING <- function(data, dataC = NULL, map = NULL, minReads = 2, minReadsInRegion = 3, jitter = FALSE, maxLregion = 1200, 
    minLregion = 80, step = NULL, width = NULL, islandDepth = 3, min_cut = 50, max_cut = 1000, maxReadsWidth = 500, PE = FALSE) {
    ## Determine PE/SE based on reads width if(length(unique(width(data)))==1) PE<-FALSE else PE<-TRUE
    if (!isTRUE(PE)) {
        cat("Performing segmentation for single end reads\n")
        step <- 2L
        width <- 150L
        # if(dataType=='TF'){ if(is.null(step)){ step<-20L } if(is.null(width)){ width<-150L } } if(dataType=='H'){
        # if(is.null(step)){ step<-2L } if(is.null(width)){ width<-150L } }
        newSet <- segReadsGeneric(data, dataC = dataC, map = map, minReads = minReads, minReadsInRegion = minReadsInRegion, 
            jitter = jitter, maxLregion = maxLregion, minLregion = minLregion, step = step, width = width, package = "PING")
    } else {
        cat("Performing segmentation for paired-end reads\n")
        if (var(width(data)) < 5) 
            warning("This data seems to be Single-End reads")
        chr <- seqlevels(data)
        # if(!is.character(chr)) stop('Argument chr should be a character\n')
        if (length(chr) > 1) 
            stop("Paired-end sequencing data segmentation does not support multiple chromosomes\n")
        if (!is.numeric(islandDepth)) 
            stop("Argument islandDepth should be an integer\n")
        if (!is.numeric(min_cut) | !is.numeric(max_cut)) 
            stop("Arguments min_cut and max_cut should be integers, provided: ", class(min_cut), ", ", class(max_cut), 
        # with GRanges as input data<-data[seqnames(data)==chr]
        data <- data[width(data) < maxReadsWidth, ]
        # Save xi for later
        xi <- mean(width(data))
        PE.RD <- IRanges(start = start(data), end = end(data))
        PE.RD <- PE.RD[which(width(PE.RD) > min_cut | width(PE.RD) < max_cut)]
        PE.RD <- IRanges(start = start(PE.RD), end = end(PE.RD))
        # Get the candidate regions (IRanges)
        candidate_RD <- candidate.region(PE.RD, islandDepth, min_cut, max_cut)
        # Getting parameters for segmentation PEMF.RD <- IRanges(start=data$yFm$'pos.+', end=data$yFm$'pos.+'+1) PEMR.RD <-
        # IRanges(start=data$yRm$'pos.-'-1, end=data$yRm$'pos.-')
        PEMF.RD <- IRanges()
        PEMR.RD <- IRanges()
        # TODO: Add the treatment in case !is.null(dataC)
        N <- length(PE.RD)
        NFm <- length(PEMF.RD)
        NRm <- length(PEMR.RD)
        Nc <- NcFm <- NcRm <- as.integer(0)  #integer(0)
        # Perform the segmentation
        if (is.null(map)) {
            segmentation <- segChrRead(candidate_RD, PE.RD, PEMF.RD, PEMR.RD, PEC.RD = NULL, PECMF.RD = NULL, PECMR.RD = NULL, 
                map.Start = NULL, map.End = NULL, chr = chr)
        } else {
            segmentation <- segChrRead(candidate_RD, PE.RD, PEMF.RD, PEMR.RD, PEC.RD = NULL, PECMF.RD = NULL, PECMR.RD = NULL, 
                map.Start = start(map[chr]), map.End = end(map[chr]), chr = chr)
        paraSW <- list(islandDepth = islandDepth, min_cut = min_cut, max_cut = max_cut, xi = xi)
        newSet <- segReadsListPE(segmentation, paraSW = paraSW, N = N, NFm, NRm, Nc, NcFm, NcRm)
SRenan/PING documentation built on Dec. 31, 2019, 12:02 p.m.