
##' Balancing algorithm via Maximum Likelihood with all Normal Distributions
##' This function has more or less the same inputs as balancing(), with the 
##' exception of a handful of the tuning options that don't apply.  If all 
##' distributions are normal and unbounded, there is a simple analytical 
##' solution to the balancing equation.  Even if we have bounds, we can 
##' iteratively find the optimal solution by:
##' \itemize{
##'   \item 1. optimizing analytically and ignoring bounds
##'   \item 2. adjusting elements that fall outside of their bounds
##'   \item 3. repeating the above steps
##' }
##' We will have at most as many iterations as elements and thus it 
##' will be very fast, and we are also guaranteed to find the true optimum.
##' Minimizing the negative log-likelihood of the sum of the normal densities is
##' equivalent to minimizing the weighted sums of squares (where the weights are
##' 1/sigma_i^2).  Thus, the analytical solution is to just proportion the
##' difference according to those weights (sigma_i^2).
##' @param param1 A vector of the first parameter for each of the elements.  For
##'   a normal distribution, this is the mean.
##' @param param2 A vector of the second parameter for each of the elements. For
##'   a normal distribution, this is the standard deviation.
##' @param sign A vector of the sign of each element.  These values should all 
##'   be +1 or -1, and they indicate if Delta_1, Delta_2, ... should be 
##'   pre-multiplied by a negative or not.  Usually, these will all be +1.
##' @param lbounds A Vector of the lower bounds for each element. These values 
##'   should all be numeric
##' @param ubounds A Vector of the upper bounds for each element. These values 
##'   should all be numeric
##' @return A vector of the final balanced values
##' @examples
##' # Production, Imports, Exports, Stock, Food, Processing, Feed, Waste,
##' # Seed, Industrial, Tourist
##' param1 = c(54418808, 1999076, 32789894, -230630, 0, 26331060, 4898000,
##'            560306, 1904246, 0, 67)
##' param2 = c(544188, 0, 0, 89854, 0, 1749, 244900, 56031, 1129, 0, 7)
##' sign = c(1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1)
##' lbounds = c(0, 0, 0, -Inf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
##' ubounds = rep(Inf, 11)

balancingNormal = function(param1, param2, sign,
                           lbounds = rep(0, length(param1)),
                           ubounds = rep(Inf, length(param1))){
    ## Data quality checks
    ## (None implemented as this function is a helper function and should not be
    ## called directly (but rather called from balancing()).
    imbalance = param1 %*% sign
    if(all(param2 == 0) & imbalance != 0){
        stop("Balance was not possible because of constraints.")

    if(any(is.infinite(param1)) | any(is.infinite(param2))){
        stop("Balance was not possible because presence of infinite values in means or param1 or param2")
    ## Initialize solution
    solution = param1
    weight = param2
    weight = weight / sum(weight)
    solution = solution + imbalance * weight * (-sign)
    failedCases = solution < lbounds | solution > ubounds
        ## Assign to boundary if it crossed boundary
        solution[solution < lbounds] = lbounds[solution < lbounds]
        solution[solution > ubounds] = ubounds[solution > ubounds]
        ## Resolve (i.e. reallocate new residual to elements that did not
        ## violate bounds).
        solution = balancingNormal(param1 = solution,
                                   param2 = ifelse(failedCases, 0, param2),
                                   sign = sign, lbounds = lbounds,
                                   ubounds = ubounds)
SWS-Methodology/faoswsBalancing documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:47 a.m.