
##' Default range for ensemble models
##' This function returns the default extrapolation range values for each model
##' in the input list of models.
##' @param ensembleModel A list of ensemble models to return ranges for.
##' @return A numeric vector of the default ranges for each of the ensemble
##' models.
##' @export

getDefaultRange = function(ensembleModel){

    ### Data Quality Checks
        stop("ensembleModel must be a named list!")
    stopifnot(is(ensembleModel, "list"))
    stopifnot(all(sapply(ensembleModel, is) == "ensembleModel"))
    range = lapply(names(ensembleModel), switch,
        defaultMean = Inf,
        defaultLm = Inf,
        defaultExp = 0,
        defaultLogistic = Inf,
        defaultLoess = 1,
        defaultSpline = 1,
        defaultArima = Inf,
        defaultMars = Inf,
        defaultNaive = 1,
        defaultMixedModel = Inf
    if(do.call("any", lapply(range, is.null)))
        stop("A model in ensembleModel has no default range in getDefaultRange()")
SWS-Methodology/faoswsImputation documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:48 a.m.