
##' Get Industrial Data
##' This function pulls the industrial data from the SWS
##' @param yearRange Character vector with the range of the years.
##' @return The dataset with the industrial data.
##' @export

getIndustrialData <- function(yearRange) {

  indKey = DatasetKey(
    domain = "usda",
    dataset = "usda_psd",
    dimensions = list(
      Dimension(name = "geographicUsda",
                keys = getAllUsdaCountries()),
      Dimension(name = "measuredElementPsd",
                keys = "140.08"),
      Dimension(name = "measuredItemPsd",
                keys = getAllUsdaItem()),
      Dimension(name = "timePointYears",
                keys = yearRange))

  indData = GetData(
    flags = FALSE)
SWS-Methodology/faoswsIndustrial documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:48 a.m.