
##' This function performs manipulation of the data that are standard
##' before the data is saved back to the data base.
##' NOTE (Michael): The data is assumed to be normalised.
##' @param data The data.table object
##' @param normalised logical, whether the data is normalised
##' @param denormalisedKey optional, only required if the input data is not
##'     normalised.It is the name of the key that denormalises the data.
##' @return A data.table with standard post processing steps
##'     performed.
##' @export

postProcessing = function(data,
                          normalised = TRUE,
                          denormalisedKey = "measuredElement"){

    dataCopy = copy(data)

        dataCopy = normalise(dataCopy)

    if(!all(c("timePointYears", "Value", "flagObservationStatus") %in%
        stop("Required column not in data, this function assumes the data is ",

    ## Converting year back to database
    dataCopy[, `:=`("timePointYears", as.character(.SD[["timePointYears"]]))]
    ## Restoring the 0M values
    dataWith0M =
        restore0M(dataCopy, valueVars = "Value",
                  flagVars = "flagObservationStatus")

        dataWith0M = denormalise(dataWith0M, denormalisedKey)

SWS-Methodology/faoswsProcessing documentation built on June 19, 2019, 5:14 p.m.