
Total Trade CPC

Author: Alex Matrunich, Marco Garieri, Bo Werth, Christian Mongeau


The trade module is divided in two submodules: complete_tf_cpc and total_trade_CPC. Each module is year specific. This means that, at the time being, the trade module run indipendently for each year. In order to run the tt total_trade_CPC, the output of complete_tf_cpc is needed.

This module aggregates total trade flow by reporting country for partners countries to a single total trade for each unique CPC commodity code. The module save the ouput into the dataset total_trade_cpc_m49, within the Trade domain.

Change Log:

Import Data from Complete TF CPC

Import monetary values and quantities from data previously generated by complete_tf_cpc module.

  1. 5608: Import Quantity (heads)
  2. 5609: Import Quantity (1000 heads)
  3. 5610: Import Quantity (tonne)
  4. 5908: Export Quantity (heads)
  5. 5909: Export Quantity (1000 heads)
  6. 5910: Export Quantity (tonne)
  7. 5622: Imports (US$)
  8. 5922: Exports (US$)

Aggregate values across partner dimension

|flagObservationStatus | flagObservationWeights| |:---------------------|----------------------:| | | 1.00| |X | 0.90| |T | 0.80| |E | 0.75| |I | 0.50| |M | 0.00|

Calculate Unit Values

Calculate unit value (US$ per quantity unit) at CPC level if the quantity is larger than zero

  1. 5630: Import Unit Value (US$ / tonne)
  2. 5638: Import Unit Value (US$ / heads)
  3. 5639: Import Unit Value (US$ / 1000 heads)
  4. 5930: Export Unit Value (US$ / tonne)
  5. 5938: Export Unit Value (US$ / heads)
  6. 5939: Export Unit Value (US$ / 1000 heads)

  7. use flagObservationsStatus from quantity measures

  8. set flagMethod to i for unit values calculated as identity

SWS-Methodology/faoswsTrade documentation built on Feb. 13, 2023, 1:04 a.m.