knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

esdata13 <- loadesdata(

esdata14 <- loadesdata(

data("hsfclmap3", package = "hsfclmap")


After conversion HS codes to FCL of 2013 Eurostat trade data we get r esdatafcl13 %>% group_by(id) %>% summarize(nofcl = any( %>% ungroup() %>% summarize(sum(nofcl)/n()) %>% unlist %>% unname %>% round(2) %>% percent of records where HS code is not converted to FCL. r scales::percent(round(sum(!unique(hsfclmap3$fcl) %in% unique(esdatafcl13$fcl)) / length(unique(hsfclmap3$fcl)), 2)) of all unique FCL codes from mapping table are not found in resultant trade data set. r esdatafcl13 %>% group_by(id) %>% summarize(manyfcl = length(unique(fcl)) > 1) %>% ungroup() %>% summarize(sum(manyfcl) / n()) %>% unlist %>% unname %>% round(2) %>% percent of all records have multiple matches. We have made some checks of HS ranges from original MDB files. All of them do not provide significant findings in dealing with low rate of successful mapping. HS codes from new trade data sets simply are absent in MDB mapping tables.

Disclaimer: numbers above are based on sampled Eurostat data (100K records).

We plan to recheck the numbers on full data set including Tariffline data. In case of confirmation we recommend to develop approaches to generate FCL/CPC trade data with less dependency on mapping tables from MDB files. For example, using of HS6 Comtrade data and employing of split ratios in case of one-to-many HS6->FCL links.

Validation of HS ranges from MDB

Requirements for HS ranges

Valid HS range from MDB map complies with the following:


Nonnumeric codes in HS

hsfclmap3 %>% 
    fromnodigs = !str_detect(fromcode, "^\\d+$"),
    tonodigs   = !str_detect(tocode, "^\\d+$")) %T>% 
  {if(sum(.$fromnodigs | .$tonodigs) < 10)
    print(filter(., fromnodigs | tonodigs) %>% 
            select(area, flow, fromcode, tocode, fcl))
    } %>% 
  summarize(nodigs_total = sum(fromnodigs | tonodigs),
            from_records_total = n())

fromcode is greater than tocode

hsfclmap3 %>% 
    vars(fromcode, tocode),
    funs(as.numeric)) %>% 
  filter(fromcode > tocode)

Two-digit structure of HS codes and chapters of interest

  1. Remove leading zeros
  2. If odd length than chapter is in 1:9
  3. If even length than chapter is >=10
  4. Check chapter in the list
faochaps <-  c(1:24, 33, 35, 38, 40:43, 50:53)
validchap <- function(
  chapters = faochaps
  ) {
  hs <- stringr::str_replace(hs, "^0*", "")
  oddlen <- stringr::str_length(hs) %% 2 == 1
  hs2 <- dplyr::if_else(
    stringr::str_extract(hs, "^\\d{1}"),
    stringr::str_extract(hs, "^\\d{2}"))
  hs2 %in% chapters

hsfclmap3 %>% 
  mutate(nonvalidhs = !validchap(fromcode)) %T>% 
    notvalid_chap = sum(nonvalidhs),
    total_rows = n(),
    notvalid_chap_prop = notvalid_chap/total_rows))} %>% 
  filter(nonvalidhs) %>%
  select(-nonvalidhs) %>% 
esdatafcl13 %>% 
  filter( %>%
  select(-fcl, -hsext) %>% 
  sample_n(3) %>% 
  mutate(hs2 = str_extract(hsorig, "^\\d{2}"),
         hs4 = str_extract(hsorig, "^\\d{4}"),
         hs6 = str_extract(hsorig, "^\\d{4,6}")) %>% 
              by = c("area", "flow")) %>%
    hs2from = str_extract(fromcode, "^\\d{2}"),
    hs4from = str_extract(fromcode, "^\\d{4}"),
    hs6from = str_extract(fromcode, "^\\d{4,6}")) %>% 
  filter(hs2 == hs2from) %>% 
  select(id, area, flow, hsorig, fromcode, tocode, hs4, hs4from, hs6, hs6from) %>%
  arrange(area, flow, hs4, hs6) %>%

  group_by(area, flow) %>% 
  summarize(totaln = n(),
            common2 = sum(hs2 == hs2from),
            common4 = sum(hs4 == hs4from),
            common6 = sum(hs6 == hs6from))

esdatafcl13 %>% 
  filter( %>%
  select(-fcl, -hsext) %>% 
    sample_n(3) %>% 
              by = c("area", "flow")) %>%
  mutate(hsdist = stringdist::stringdist(hsorig, fromcode)) %>% 

Possible additional directions to investigate

SWS-Methodology/hsfclmap documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:53 a.m.