
Defines functions bootInclude

Documented in bootInclude

# Function to create include probability network
bootInclude <- function(bootobject,verbose=TRUE){
  # Check if object is bootnet object:
  if (!is(bootobject,"bootnet")){
    stop("'bootobject' must be an object of class 'bootnet'")

  # Check type:
  if (bootobject$type != "nonparametric" & bootobject$type != "parametric"){
    stop("Bootstrap type must be 'nonparametric' or 'parametric'")

  # Extract the network object:
  Network <- bootobject$sample
  # Dummy for multiple graphs:
  if (!is.list(Network$graph)){
    Graphs <- list(Network$graph)
    Directed <- list(Network$directed)
    Intercepts <- list(Network$intercepts)
    names(Graphs) <- names(Directed) <- names(Intercepts) <-
  } else {
    Graphs <- Network$graph
    Directed <- Network$directed
    Intercepts <-  Network$intercepts

  # For every graph:
  for (g in seq_along(Graphs)){
    graphName <- names(Graphs)[g]

    # Summary table of edge weights:
    bootSummary <- bootobject$bootTable %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data[['type']] == "edge", .data[['graph']] == graphName) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data[['node1']],.data[['node2']]) %>%
        propNonZero=mean(value != 0)

    # Reweight network:
    # if (nrow(bootSummary) > 0){
    Graphs[[graphName]][] <- 0

    for (i in 1:nrow(bootSummary)){
      Graphs[[graphName]][Network$labels == bootSummary$node1[i],Network$labels == bootSummary$node2[i]] <- bootSummary$propNonZero[i]
      if (!Directed[[graphName]]){
        Graphs[[graphName]][Network$labels == bootSummary$node2[i],Network$labels == bootSummary$node1[i]] <- bootSummary$propNonZero[i]

  # Return to network object:
  if (length(Graphs) == 1){
    Network$graph <- Graphs[[1]]
    Network$intercepts <- NULL
  } else {
    Network$graph <- Graphs
    Network$intercepts <- NULL

  # Add indicator network is about include proportions:
  Network$bootInclude <- TRUE

  # Return network:
SachaEpskamp/bootnet documentation built on June 24, 2024, 6:57 a.m.