
Defines functions plot.bootnetResult summary.bootnetResult

Documented in plot.bootnetResult summary.bootnetResult

# bootnetResult methods:
# print.bootnetResult <- function(x, ...){
#   print(x[['graph']])
# }

summary.bootnetResult <- function(object, ...){
  print(object, ...)
  # directed <- object$directed
  # if (directed){
  #   ind <- matrix(TRUE,ncol(object$graph),ncol(object$graph))
  # } else {
  #   ind <- upper.tri(object$graph,diag=FALSE)
  # }
  # cat("\nNumber of nodes:",nrow(object[['graph']]),
  #     "\nNumber of non-zero edges:",sum(object[['graph']][ind]!=0),"/",sum(ind),
  #     "\nDensity:",mean(object[['graph']][ind]) 
  #     # "\nNumber of estimated intercepts:",NROW(object[['intercepts']])
  #     )

plot.bootnetResult <- function(x, graph, 
                               weighted, signed, directed, labels,
                               layout = "spring",
                               parallelEdge = TRUE, cut = 0,
                               theme = "colorblind", 
                               bootIncludeOverwrite = TRUE, ...){

  if (missing(weighted)){
    weighted <- x$weighted
  if (missing(signed)){
    signed <- x$signed

  if (is.list(x$graph)){
    if (missing(graph)){
      stop("Object contains multiple networks; 'graph' may not be missing.")
    wMat <- x[['graph']][[graph]]
    if (missing(directed)){
      directed <- x$directed[[graph]]
  } else {
    wMat <- x[['graph']]    
    if (missing(directed)){
      directed <- x$directed

  if (!isTRUE(weighted)){
    wMat <- sign(wMat)
  if (!isTRUE(signed)){
    wMat <- abs(wMat)
  if (missing(labels)){
    labels <- x[['labels']]
  if (bootIncludeOverwrite && isTRUE(x$bootInclude)){
                   parallelEdge = parallelEdge,
                   theme = theme,
                   cut = cut, layout = layout,  
                   edge.color = "black", maximum = 1,
                   diag = TRUE,...)  
  } else {
                   parallelEdge = parallelEdge,
                   theme = theme,
                   cut = cut, layout = layout,  ...)    

SachaEpskamp/bootnet documentation built on June 24, 2024, 6:57 a.m.