
Defines functions number_connexions

Documented in number_connexions

#' Returns the number of connexions of a set vs. time with respects to a given axis of analysis
#' @param a_set = a dataframe, start = a POSXct, end = a POSXct, analysis_axis = a string of char to chose in ("None","Country","category_device","site","Ardt","category_site")
#' @import tidyr dplyr lubridate plotly
#' @return a dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' start<-ymd("2016-09-10")
#' end<-ymd("2016-09-17")
#' duration_max<- 5000
#' districts<-c(1,2,5,8,"All")
#' districts<-c(1,2,5,8)
#' cat_sites<-c("Mairie","Bibliothèque")
#' sites<-c("All")
#' countries<-c("All")
#' devices<-c("smartphone","tablet")
#' analysis_axis<-"category_device"
#' a_set <- Viz1_Filter(start, end, duration_max, districts, cat_sites, sites, countries, devices)
#' number_connexions(a_set,start,end, analysis_axis)
#' }

number_connexions <- function(set, start, end, analysis_axis){

  if (analysis_axis=="None"){ ### in case there is no analysis_axis, we don't group data by any rule
    ### In case the time scope of the analysis is > 1 week >>> the nb of connexions is calculated by day
      nb_connex <- set %>%
        mutate(date=date(start_time)) %>%
        group_by(date) %>%
    }else{ ### In the other case >>> the nb of connexions is calculated by hour
      nb_connex <- set %>%
        mutate(date=ymd_hms(paste(substr(as.character(start_time),1,nchar(as.character(start_time))-5),"00:00",sep=''))) %>%
        group_by(date) %>%
  } else {### in case there the analysis_axis is set, we group data by analysis_axis
    ### In case the time scope of the analysis is < 1 week >>> the nb of connexions is calculated by day
      nb_connex <- set %>%
        mutate(date=date(start_time)) %>%
        group_by_("date",analysis_axis) %>%
    }else{ ### In the other case >>> the nb of connexions is calculated by hour
      nb_connex <- set %>%
        mutate(date=ymd_hms(paste(substr(as.character(start_time),1,nchar(as.character(start_time))-5),"00:00",sep=''))) %>%
        group_by_("date",analysis_axis) %>%
SachaIZADI/wifiparis documentation built on May 28, 2019, 3:14 p.m.