generateRWrappers: Generate R wrappers for Python classes and functions

View source: R/PythonPkgWrapperUtils.R

generateRWrappersR Documentation

Generate R wrappers for Python classes and functions


This function generates R wrappers for Python classes and functions in the given Python container


generateRWrappers(pyPkg, container, setGenericCallback, functionFilter = NULL,
  classFilter = NULL, functionPrefix = NULL, pySingletonName = NULL,
  transformReturnObject = NULL)



The Python package name


The fully qualified name of a Python module or a Python class to be wrapped


The callback to setGeneric defined in the target R package


Optional function to intercept and modify the auto-generated function metadata.


Optional function to intercept and modify the auto-generated class metadata.


Optional text to add to the name of the wrapped functions.


Optional parameter used to expose a set Python functions which are an object's methods, but without exposing the object itself. If the container parameter is a class then this must be the name of a Python variable referencing an instance of the class. Otherwise, this must be NULL. See example 4.


Optional function to change returned values in R.


  • container can take the same value as pyPkg, can be a module or class within the Python package.

  • setGeneric function must be defined in the same environment that generateRWrappers is called. See example 1.

  • functionFilter and classFilter are optional functions defined by the caller.

  • functionFilter takes as input the metadata for a generated function and either modifies it or returns NULL to omit it from the set of generated functions. The metadata object is a list having fields:

    'name': character
    'args': named list having fields:
        'args': a list of the argument names
        'varargs':  character
        'keywords': character
        'defaults': character
    'doc': character

    Please see inspect.getargspec for more information about the named list args. See example 2.

  • classFilter takes as input the metadata for a generated class and either modifies it or returns NULL to omit it from the set of generated classes The metadata object is a list having fields:

    'name': character
    'constructorArgs': named list having fields:
        'args': a list of the argument names
        'varargs':  character
        'keywords': character
        'defaults': character
    'doc': character
    'methods':named list having fields:
        'name': character
        'doc': character
        'args': named list having fields:
            'args': a list of the argument names
            'varargs':  character
            'keywords': character
            'defaults': character

    Please see inspect.getargspec for more information about the named list args. See example 3.

  • transformReturnObject is used to intercept and modify the values returned by the auto-generated R functions.transformReturnObject will be applied to the returned values from all generated functions. The transformation cannot depend on the function which generated the returned value. See example 5.


  • generateRWrappers should be called at load time.

  • generateRWrappers and generateRdFiles must be called with corresponding parameters to ensure all R wrappers has sufficient documentation.


1. Generate R wrappers for all functions and classes in "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName"

callback <- function(name, def) {
  setGeneric(name, def)
  pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
  container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName",
  setGenericCallback = callback)

2. Generate R wrappers for module "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName", omitting function "myFun"

myfunctionFilter <- function(x) {
  if (any(x$name == "myFun")) NULL else x
  pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
  container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName",
  setGenericCallback = callback,
  functionFilter = myfunctionFilter)

3. Generate R wrappers for module "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName", omitting the "MyObj" class

myclassFilter <- function(x) {
  if (any(x$name == "MyObj")) NULL else x
  pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
  container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName",
  setGenericCallback = callback,
  classFilter = myclassFilter)

4. Generate R wrappers for class "synapseclient.client.Synapse" without exposing the "Synapse" object

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  pyExec("syn = synapseclient.Synapse()")
  # `pySingletonName` must be the name of the object defined in Python.
  generateRWrappers(pyPkg = "synapseclient",
                    container = "synapseclient.client.Synapse",
                    setGenericCallback = callback,
                    pySingletonName = "syn")

5. Generate R wrappers for module "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName", transforming all returned values,
  and setting each returned object class name to "newName"
myTransform <- function(x) {
  # replace the object name
  class(x) <- "newName"
  pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
  container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName",
  setGenericCallback = callback,
  transformReturnObject = myTransform)

Sage-Bionetworks/PythonEmbedInR documentation built on April 17, 2023, 4:23 p.m.