Man pages for Sage-Bionetworks/dccmonitor
Monitor Data Validation

app_serverApp server
app_uiApp UI
box_docs_colorGet color for documentation infobox
box_meta_colorGet color for metadata infobox
box_success_colorGet color for success rate infobox
combine_all_metadataCombine all metadata
create_info_tableCreate a nicer version of the file info
filter_study_table_latestGet study table with most recent metadata files
fix_listFix character list
format_dateFormat date
get_all_file_dataGet data for all files in table
get_all_studies_tableGet synapse fileview
get_dataGet data from file
get_file_indicesGet file indices by metadataType
get_file_indices_namedGet named file indices by metadataType
get_file_indices_vectorGet file indices by metadataType
get_info_box_uiGet info box UI
get_user_nameGet the user name
has_auth_codeHas authorization code
mod_synapse_oauth_uiSynapse Oauth Module
num_doc_filesGet the number of documentation files
num_individualsGet number of individuals
num_manifest_filesGet number of files in manifest
num_meta_filesGet the number of metadata files
num_specimensGet number of specimens
oauth_processDo the OAuth process
percent_pass_validationPercent of passing validation results
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
run_appRun the Shiny application
setup_global_oauth_varsSets up global OAuth variables
validate_all_studiesValidate all studies
validate_studyValidate a study
Sage-Bionetworks/dccmonitor documentation built on May 28, 2022, 10:39 a.m.