asTableColumns: as.tableColumns

Description Usage Arguments Value See Also


Create Table Columns based on a data frame


  as.tableColumns(source, doFullFileScan=TRUE, ... )



A data frame or path to a csv file


Should the services suggest column types based on the entire file (TRUE - default) or the first 1000 rows of the file (FALSE). For large homogeneous files, doFullFileScan=FALSE will be faster, but may miss-classify the column types.


When 'source' is a file path: The number of lines to skip from the start of the file. The default value of 0 will be used if this is not provided by the caller.


When 'source' is a file path: The character to used for quoted elements in the provided file. The default character '"' will be used if this is not provided by the caller.


When 'source' is a file path: The escape character used for escaping a separator or quote. The default character '\' will be used if this is not provided by the caller.


When 'source' is a file path: The line feed terminator to be used for the resulting file. The default value of '\n' will be used if this is not provided by the caller.


When 'source' is a file path: The delimiter to used for separating entries in the provided file. The default character ',' will be used if this is not provided by the caller. For tab-separated values use '\t'


A list containing two fields, 'tableColumns' and 'fileHandleId'.

tableColumns: A list of TableColumns matching the columns in the given file or data frame in terms of name and type.

fileHandleId: The ID of the uploaded file, suitable for passing to the Table constructor along with a schema. (See 'Table'.)

See Also


Sage-Bionetworks/rSynapseClient documentation built on May 9, 2019, 7:04 p.m.