Man pages for SamGG/densitycut
An Efficient and Versatile Topological Approach to Clustering Biological Data

AddTransAdd transpancy to color
AML28The variant allele frequencies of somatic single nucleotide...
AssignLabelColorAssign colors to labels
ComputeNMICalcular the normalized mutual information
cytof.benchmark.h1Single-cell CyTOF data of bone marrow mononuclear cells from...
cytof.benchmark.h2Single-cell CyTOF data of bone marrow mononuclear cells from...
cytof.benchmark.oneSingle-cell CyTOF data of bone marrow mononuclear cells from...
DensityCutThe densityCut algorithm
distinct.colA vector of 298 visually distinctive colours
GetKnnRandomProjectionEfficient Knn-search in high-dimensional search (upto 1000...
MEL5The variant allele frequencies of somatic single nucleotide...
NeatPlotReset the default parameters for the plot function
PMFThe variant allele frequencies of somatic single nucleotide...
single.cell.mrna.florensSingle cell gene expression data from 223 stem cells from the...
single.cell.mrna.pollenSingle cell gene expression data from 11 populations
SamGG/densitycut documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 11:48 p.m.