
Defines functions mes_uncertainties spike_median

Documented in mes_uncertainties spike_median

#' @title Modified Hampel Median Filter.
#' @param v numeric vector. Vegetation index values.
#' @param w numeric vector. Initial weights.
#' @param ypts numeric. The number of values per year. Used to determine the
#'             moving window size.
#' @param w_min numeric. Specifies the weight that should be assigned to outliers.
#' @param spk numeric. The Spike parameter. the higher, the more values are classified
#'            outliers.
#' @details #TODO
#' @author Sandro Groth
#' @references Hampel F. R., ”The influence curve and its role in robust estimation,”
#'             Journal of the American Statistical Association, 69, 382–393, 1974
#'             Eklundh, L., and Jönsson, P., 2017, TIMESAT 3.3 with seasonal trend
#'             decomposition and parallel processing - Software Manual.
#'             Lund University, 92 pp.
#' @examples
#' ## Create a random normal distribution with outliers.
#' values <- c(rnorm(19), 50, rnorm(19), -50, rnorm(20))
#' ## set all initial weights to 1
#' init_weights <- rep(1, 60)
#' ## get the spike filtered weights
#' filtered_weights <- spike_median(values, init_weights, 20, 0, 2)
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp evalCpp
#' @useDynLib phenoRS
#' @export
spike_median <- function(v, w, ypts, w_min=0, spk=2, cpp = T) {

  if (cpp == F) {
    n  <- length(v)
    w0 <- w
    s  <- round(ypts / 7)
    k  <- 1.4826

    for (i in seq(s + 1, n - s, 1)) {
      md <- median(v[(i - s):(i + s)], na.rm = TRUE)
      me <- mean(c(v[i - 1], v[i + 1]), na.rm = TRUE)
      mx <- max(c(v[i - 1], v[i + 1]), na.rm = TRUE)
      ctf <- spk * (k * median(abs(v[(i - s):(i + s)] - md), na.rm = TRUE))
      if (abs(v[i] - md) > ctf & (v[i] < (me - ctf) | v[i] > (mx + ctf))) {
        w0[i] <- w_min

  if (cpp == T) {
    w0 <- rcpp_spikeMedian(v, w, ypts, w_min, spk)


#' @title Weights to measurement uncertainties conversion.
#' @details This function converts a set of weights, initially determined from the QA parameter of a
#' timeseries or estimated using an outlier detection method, into measurement uncertainties using following
#' transformation:
#' \deqn{\sigma=\frac{1}{w + 0.0001}}
#' @param w Numeric vector. A set of weights.
#' @return Numeric vector. Measurement uncertainties.
#' @examples
#' w <- c(0, 0.5, 1)
#' mes_uncertainties(w)
#' @author Sandro Groth
#' @references Eklundh, L., and Jönsson, P., 2017, TIMESAT 3.3 with seasonal trend decomposition and parallel
#' processing - Software Manual. Lund University, 92 pp.
#' @export
mes_uncertainties <- function(w) {

  return (1 / w + 0.0001)

# test_vi <- pix_vi
# test_vi[is.na(test_vi)] <- -9999
# test_ts <- ts(test_vi, start = c(2016,1), frequency = 23)
# plot(test_ts)
# test_weights <- rep(1, length(test_vi))
# plot(stl(test_ts, 7))
SandroGroth/phenoRS documentation built on July 12, 2020, 4:33 a.m.