
#' @param dataset A character string indicating the database to be accessed. This is usually a path to a local file or a URL 
#' pointing to a standard ASCII file (.txt) or a .zip file containing station or predictions data.
#' @param var Variable code (character string). 
#' @param lonLim Vector of length = 2, with minimum and maximum longitude coordinates, in decimal degrees, of the bounding box selected.
#'  For single-point queries, a numeric value with the longitude coordinate. If \code{NULL} (default), the whole longitudinal range
#'   is selected (Note that this may lead to a large output object size).
#' @param latLim Same as \code{lonLim}, but for the selection of the latitudinal range.
#' @param season An integer vector specifying the desired season (in months, January = 1 ..., December = 12).
#'  Options include one to several (contiguous) months. Default to \code{NULL}, indicating a full year selection (same as \code{season = 1:12}).
#' @param years Optional vector of years to select. Default (\code{NULL}) to all available years. If the requested variable is static (e.g. orography)
#'  it will be ignored.  
SantanderMetGroup/R_VALUE documentation built on July 4, 2023, 4:27 a.m.