ps.iberia: Surface pressure gridded dataset (var = '"ps"')

ps.iberiaR Documentation

Surface pressure gridded dataset (var = "ps")


A climate4R CDM grid containing daily NCEP Reanalysis data for the Iberian Peninsula (1991 and 1992, complete monthly series).


This R data object was obtained using the function loadGridData from loadeR, from the User Data Gateway, using the following parameters:

loadGridData(dataset = "", var = var, years = 1991:1992, season = 1:12, lonLim = c(-10, 5), latLim <- c(35, 43), time = "DD")

, with the appropriate aggr.m argument value depending on the cell method applied to var for daily aggregation.


SantanderMetGroup/convertR documentation built on June 30, 2023, 3:03 a.m.