
#' @param dictionary Default to FALSE, if TRUE a dictionary is used and the .dic file is stored in the same path than the
#' dataset. If the .dic file is stored elsewhere, then the argument is the full path to the .dic file (including the extension,
#' e.g.: \code{"/path/to/the/dictionary_file.dic"}). This is the case for instance when the dataset is stored in a remote URL,
#' and we have a locally stored dictionary for that particular dataset. If FALSE no variable homogenization takes place,
#' and the raw variable, as originally stored in the dataset, will be returned. See details for dictionary specification.
#' @param time A character vector indicating the temporal filtering/aggregation 
#' of the output data. Default to \code{"none"}, which returns the original time 
#' series as stored in the dataset. For sub-daily variables, instantantaneous data at 
#' selected verification times can be filtered using one of the character strings 
#' \code{"00"}, \code{"03"}, \code{"06"}, \code{"09"}, \code{"12"}, \code{"15"},
#'  \code{"18"}, \code{"21"},and \code{"00"} when applicable. If daily aggregated data are 
#' required use \code{"DD"}. If the requested variable is static (e.g. orography) it will be ignored. 
#' See the next arguments for time aggregation options.
#' @param aggr.d Character string. Function of aggregation of sub-daily data for daily data calculation. 
#' Currently accepted values are \code{"none"}, \code{"mean"}, \code{"min"}, \code{"max"} and \code{"sum"}.
#' @param aggr.m Same as \code{aggr.d}, bun indicating the aggregation function to compute monthly from daily data.
#' If \code{aggr.m = "none"} (the default), no monthly aggregation is undertaken.
SantanderMetGroup/loadeR documentation built on June 7, 2024, 8:16 p.m.