Man pages for SantanderMetGroup/visualizeR
Visualizing climate4R data and Communicating Uncertainty in Seasonal Climate Prediction

AR5regionsAR5 regions from the IPCC 5th Assessment Report.
AR6_WGI_AtlasSynthesisRegionsAR6 WGI synthesis regions from the Atlas chapter of the IPCC...
as.MrEnsembleConvert a gridded data set with more than one member to a S4...
as.MrGridConvert a gridded data set with just one ensemble member to a...
as.MrStationConvert station data to a S4 class.
bubblePlotBubble plot for visualization of forecast skill of seasonal...
calculateReliabilityGenerate object needed by function reliability
cascadePlotCascade plot to visualize the climate change modelling...
climagramImplementation of the so-called "climagrams" for seasonal...
concatenateDataRelDiagram_v2internal function concatenateDataRelDiagram_v2
convertIntoS4Convert a dataset to a S4 class.
densityPlotDensity plots for climatological series
detrend.dataDetrend data from a S4 object borders
hindcast2probinternal function prob2bin
map.hatchingMap hatching
map.linesAdd lines and polygons to climatological maps
map.stipplingClimatological map stippling
MrQuantileGet quantiles from a S4 object
nboxplot.statsboxplot.stats with set probs
obs2bininternal function obs2bin
plotEOFPlot EOFs
PRUDENCEregionsPRUDENCE regions.
QuantileProbsGet exceedance probabilities from a S4 object
regionsWorld regions.
reliabilityCategoriesReliability categories of a probabilistic forecast.
rocss.funCompute the ROC Area Skill Score and the significance of the...
seasMeanGet the seasonal mean from a S4 object
side.densityAdd an estimate of the probability density function.
skillMapA wrapper of 'spatialPlot' for the creation of verification...
spatialMeanGet the spatial mean from a S4 object
spatialPlotLattice plot methods for climatological grids
spreadPlotBox plot for visualization of forecast skill of seasonal...
stripePlotLattice plot methods for producing stripe plots
tas.cfsNCEP CFSv2 hindcast of DJF mean temperature for the entire...
tas.cfs.operative.2016CFSv2 operative seasonal forecast of global DJF mean...
tas.cfs.operative.2017CFSv2 operative seasonal forecast of global DJF mean...
tas.ncepNCEP/NCAR reanalysis DJF mean temperature for the entire...
temporalPlotLattice plot methods for climatological series
tercileBarplotTercile bar plot for visualization of forecast skill of...
tercileMapTercile map for visualization of forecast skill of seasonal...
tercilePlotTercile plot for visualization of forecast skill of seasonal...
vector2matrixinternal function concatenateDataRelDiagram_v2
violinPlotLattice plot methods for climatological series
SantanderMetGroup/visualizeR documentation built on Oct. 28, 2023, 6:11 a.m.