Man pages for SciDoPhenIA/phenomis
Analysis of single and multiple phenomic data sets

annotatingMS annotation
filteringFiltering of the features (or samples) with a high proportion...
gg_barplotBarplot with ggplot2
gg_boxplotBoxplot with ggplot2
gg_piePie with ggplot2
gg_volcanoplotVolcano plot with ggplot2
hypotestingUnivariate hypothesis testing
normalizingNormalization of the dataMatrix
phenomis-packagePhenomics data analysis and integration
reducingGrouping chemically redundant MS1 features
search_codeSearching patterns in code
transformingTransformation of the dataMatrix
vennplotVenn diagram with VennDiagram
writingExporting a SummarizedExperiment (or MultiAssayExperiment)...
SciDoPhenIA/phenomis documentation built on June 9, 2022, 11:54 p.m.