
Defines functions nodeskMetrics2

Documented in nodeskMetrics2

# Copyright (C) 2018  Sebastian Sosa, Ivan Puga-Gonzalez, Hu Feng He, Xiaohua Xie, Cédric Sueur
# This file is part of Animal Network Toolkit Software (ANTs).
# ANT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ANT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

#' @title Interpret ANT GUI output
#' @description Interpret tcltk \emph{nodeskMetrics} function output
#' @param M a matrix
#' @param df a data frame of same row number as the input matrix
#' @param option a numeric vector issue from nodeskMetrics function.
#' @keywords internal
nodeskMetrics2 <- function(M, option, df = NULL, dfid = NULL) {
  # attr(option,'names')=c('affBi','affW',
  #                      'betBi','betUn','betOut','betIn','betW','betN','betS',
  #                      'deg','degOut','degIn',
  #                      'dispUn','dispOut','dispIn',
  #                      'eigBi','eigUn','eigOut','eigIn','eigW',
  #                      'lpBi','lp',
  #                      'reach', 'reachB',
  #                      'ri',
  #                      ''str','strOut','strIn')

  # If no data frame create one to store all the metrics
  if (!is.null(df) & !is.null(dfid)) {
    col.id <- df.col.findId(df, dfid)
    df <- df[match(colnames(M), df[, col.id]), ]

  if (is.null(df)) {
    df <- df.create(M)
    rownames(df) <- colnames(M)

  # Affinity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (option[1] == 1) {
    affinityB <- met.affinity(M, binary = TRUE)
    df <- data.frame(df, affinityB)
  if (option[2] == 1) {
    affinity <- met.affinity(M, binary = FALSE)
    df <- data.frame(df, affinity)

  # Betweenness ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (any(option[3:9] == 1)) {
    option3 <- option[3] == 1 # binary
    option4 <- option[4] == 1 # undirected
    option5 <- option[5] == 1 # Out
    option6 <- option[6] == 1 # in
    option7 <- option[7] == 1 # weigthed
    option8 <- option[8] == 1 # normalized
    option9 <- option[9] == 1 # strongest links

    if (!option3 | !option7) {
      stop("At least one of the options Binary or Weighted must be selected to compute a version of betweeness")

    if (option3 & !option7 & option9) {
      stop("Binary betweenness through strongest paths cannot be computed because all the links are equal to 1.")
    if (option3) {
      # Binary not noarmalized  betweenness
      if (option4 & !option8) {
        betweennessB <- met.betweenness(M, binary = TRUE, shortest.weight = FALSE, normalization = FALSE, sym = TRUE)
        df <- data.frame(df, betweennessB)
      if (option5 & !option8) {
        outbetweennessB <- met.betweenness(M, binary = TRUE, shortest.weight = FALSE, normalization = FALSE, sym = FALSE, out = TRUE)
        df <- data.frame(df, outbetweennessB)
      if (option6 & !option8) {
        inbetweennessB <- met.betweenness(M, binary = TRUE, shortest.weight = FALSE, normalization = FALSE, sym = FALSE, out = FALSE)
        df <- data.frame(df, inbetweennessB)
      # Binary noarmalized  betweenness
      if (option4 & option8) {
        norm.betweennessB <- met.betweenness(M, binary = TRUE, shortest.weight = FALSE, normalization = TRUE, sym = TRUE)
        df <- data.frame(df, norm.betweennessB)
      if (option5 & option8) {
        norm.outbetweennessB <- met.betweenness(M, binary = TRUE, shortest.weight = FALSE, normalization = TRUE, sym = FALSE, out = TRUE)
        df <- data.frame(df, norm.outbetweennessB)
      if (option6 & option8) {
        norm.inbetweennessB <- met.betweenness(M, binary = TRUE, shortest.weight = FALSE, normalization = TRUE, sym = FALSE, out = FALSE)
        df <- data.frame(df, norm.inbetweennessB)
    if (option7) {
      # weighted non noarmalized and through strongest links betweenness
      if (option4 & !option8 & !option9) {
        betweenness <- met.betweenness(M, binary = FALSE, shortest.weight = FALSE, normalization = FALSE, sym = TRUE)
        df <- data.frame(df, betweenness)
      if (option5 & !option8 & !option9) {
        outbetweenness <- met.betweenness(M, binary = FALSE, shortest.weight = FALSE, normalization = FALSE, sym = FALSE, out = TRUE)
        df <- data.frame(df, outbetweenness)
      if (option6 & !option8 & !option9) {
        inbetweenness <- met.betweenness(M, binary = FALSE, shortest.weight = FALSE, normalization = FALSE, sym = FALSE, out = FALSE)
        df <- data.frame(df, inbetweenness)
      # weighted noarmalized and through weakest links betweenness
      if (option4 & !option8 & option9) {
        norm.short.betweenness <- met.betweenness(M, binary = FALSE, shortest.weight = TRUE, normalization = TRUE, sym = TRUE)
        df <- data.frame(df, norm.short.betweenness)
      if (option5 & !option8 & option9) {
        norm.short.outbetweenness <- met.betweenness(M, binary = FALSE, shortest.weight = TRUE, normalization = TRUE, sym = FALSE, out = TRUE)
        df <- data.frame(df, norm.short.outbetweenness)
      if (option6 & !option8 & option9) {
        norm.short.inbetweenness <- met.betweenness(M, binary = FALSE, shortest.weight = TRUE, normalization = TRUE, sym = FALSE, out = FALSE)
        df <- data.frame(df, norm.short.inbetweenness)

      # weighted noarmalized and through strongest links betweenness
      if (option4 & option8 & !option9) {
        norm.betweenness <- met.betweenness(M, binary = FALSE, shortest.weight = FALSE, normalization = TRUE, sym = TRUE)
        df <- data.frame(df, norm.betweenness)
      if (option5 & option8 & !option9) {
        norm.outbetweenness <- met.betweenness(M, binary = FALSE, shortest.weight = FALSE, normalization = TRUE, sym = FALSE, out = TRUE)
        df <- data.frame(df, norm.outbetweenness)
      if (option6 & option8 & !option9) {
        norm.inbetweenness <- met.betweenness(M, binary = FALSE, shortest.weight = FALSE, normalization = TRUE, sym = FALSE, out = FALSE)
        df <- data.frame(df, norm.inbetweenness)
      # weighted noarmalized and through weakest links betweenness
      if (option4 & option8 & option9) {
        norm.short.betweenness <- met.betweenness(M, binary = FALSE, shortest.weight = TRUE, normalization = TRUE, sym = TRUE)
        df <- data.frame(df, norm.short.betweenness)
      if (option5 & option8 & option9) {
        norm.short.outbetweenness <- met.betweenness(M, binary = FALSE, shortest.weight = TRUE, normalization = TRUE, sym = FALSE, out = TRUE)
        df <- data.frame(df, norm.short.outbetweenness)
      if (option6 & option8 & option9) {
        norm.short.inbetweenness <- met.betweenness(M, binary = FALSE, shortest.weight = TRUE, normalization = TRUE, sym = FALSE, out = FALSE)
        df <- data.frame(df, norm.short.inbetweenness)

  # Degree --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (option[10] == 1) {
    degree <- met.degree(M)
    df <- data.frame(df, degree)
  if (option[11] == 1) {
    outdegree <- met.outdegree(M)
    df <- data.frame(df, outdegree)
  if (option[12] == 1) {
    indegree <- met.indegree(M)
    df <- data.frame(df, indegree)

  # Disparity -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (option[13] == 1) {
    disparity <- met.disparity(M)
    df <- data.frame(df, disparity)
  # if(option[14]==1 | option[15]==1 ){
  # disDir=met.disparity(M,directed=TRUE)
  # if(option[13]==1){df=data.frame(df,disDir)}
  # else{
  # disDir=disDir[,-1]
  # df=data.frame(df,disDir)
  # }
  # }

  # Eigenvector ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (any(option[16:20])) {
    option16 <- option[16] == 1 # Binary
    option17 <- option[17] == 1 # Undirected
    option18 <- option[18] == 1 # Out
    option19 <- option[19] == 1 # In
    option20 <- option[20] == 1 # Weigehted

    if (option16) {
      if (option17) {
        eigenB <- met.eigen(M, sym = TRUE, binary = TRUE, out = FALSE)
        df <- data.frame(df, eigenB)
      if (option18) {
        outeigenB <- met.eigen(M, sym = FALSE, binary = TRUE, out = TRUE)
        df <- data.frame(df, outeigenB)
      if (option19) {
        ineigenB <- met.eigen(M, sym = FALSE, binary = TRUE, out = FALSE)
        df <- data.frame(df, ineigenB)
    if (option20) {
      if (option17) {
        eigen <- met.eigen(M, sym = TRUE, binary = TRUE, out = FALSE)
        df <- data.frame(df, eigen)
      if (option18) {
        outeigen <- met.eigen(M, sym = TRUE, binary = TRUE, out = TRUE)
        df <- data.frame(df, outeigen)
      if (option19) {
        ineigen <- met.eigen(M, sym = TRUE, binary = TRUE, out = FALSE)
        df <- data.frame(df, ineigen)

  # Laplacian centrality ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (option[21] == 1) {
    lpB <- met.lp(M, binary = TRUE)
    df <- data.frame(df, lpB)
  if (option[22] == 1) {
    lp <- met.lp(M, binary = FALSE)
    df <- data.frame(df, lp)

  # Reach ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (option[23] == 1) {
    reach <- met.reach(M)
    df <- data.frame(df, reach)
  # if(option[24]==1){warning("Binary reach version is not available ")}

  # Ri index ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (option[25] == 1) {
    ri <- met.ri(M)
    df <- data.frame(df, ri)

  # Strength ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (option[26] == 1) {
    strength <- met.strength(M)
    df <- data.frame(df, strength)
  if (option[27] == 1) {
    outstrength <- met.outstrength(M)
    df <- data.frame(df, outstrength)
  if (option[28] == 1) {
    instrength <- met.instrength(M)
    df <- data.frame(df, instrength)

  # End of computation --------------------------------------------------------------------------

SebastianSosa/ant documentation built on Sept. 23, 2023, 7:06 a.m.