## code to prepare `DATASET` dataset goes here
# usethis::use_data(DATASET, overwrite = TRUE)
# # download data from website
# library(data.table)
# library(rvest)
# dt = setDT(read.table('https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/statlog/german/german.data'))
# attrs = read_html('https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Statlog+(German+Credit+Data)') %>%
# html_nodes('p.normal') %>%
# html_text() %>%
# .[22] %>%
# strsplit(' *\r(\t)* *') %>%
# .[[1]] %>%
# sub('Attibute', 'Attribute', .)
# attr_no = which(grepl('^Attribute', attrs))
# attrdt = data.table(atr = attrs)[
# grepl('^Attribute', atr), var := atr
# # ][which(grepl('^Attribute', atr))+1, varNam := atr
# ][, var := var[1], by = cumsum(!is.na(var))
# # ][, varNam := varNam[1], by = cumsum(!is.na(varNam))
# ][, `:=`(
# var = paste0('V', sub('Attribute (\\d+):\\s+\\((.+)\\)', '\\1', var)),
# typ = sub('Attribute (\\d+):\\s+\\((.+)\\)', '\\2', var)
# )][typ == 'qualitative']
# atrlst = lapply(split(attrdt, by = 'var'), function(x) {
# x[-c(1:2), .(atr)
# ][, `:=`(
# val1 = sub('^(A\\d+).+?$', '\\1', atr),
# val2 = sub('.*?(A\\d+) : (.+)$', '\\2', atr)
# )]
# })
# varNam = attrs[attr_no+1] %>%
# tolower() %>%
# gsub('[^(a-z)]+', '.', .) %>%
# c(., 'creditability')
# setnames(dt, varNam)
# library(scorecard)
# library(data.table)
# data("germancredit")
# dat1 = scorecard:::check_y(germancredit, 'creditability', 'bad|1')
# dat2 = data.table(creditability=sample(0:1, 50, replace=TRUE))
# dat = rbind(dat1, dat2, fill=TRUE)
# # y
# y = "creditability"
# # x
# ## numerical data
# x = 'age.in.years' #'number.of.existing.credits.at.this.bank' # "credit.amount" # "foreign.worker
# spl_val = c(2600, 9960, "6850%,%missing")
# breaks = c(2000, 4000, 6000)
# breaks = c('26%,%missing', 28, 35, 37)
# ## categorical data
# x = 'housing' # "job" # "credit.amount"; #
# breaks = c("own", "for free%,%rent%,%missing")
# breaks = c("own", "for free%,%rent")
# dat = scorecard:::check_y(germancredit, 'creditability', 'bad|1')
# dtm = data.table(y=dat[[y]], variable=x, value=dat[[x]])
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