Man pages for ShojiTaniguchi/timsync
Mixed model for time series with synchronization

elmSetFunction to set element numbers of the intermediate values at...
genDatFunction to generate data
genDepndFunction to generate dependent variable
genDepndIniFunction to generate Initial value
genDepndSeqFunction to generate dependent variable sequentially
gridprmGrid search of rho and omega
helloHello, World!
makeGrpFunction to make group
makeOmegaFunction to generate Omega matrix
makeRandNumMake random numbers with synchronization
makeSyncMatMake the variance-covariance matrix to prescribe...
mmLogLikFunction to calculate maximum likelihood
simuOneColFunction to generate data of one column
testFixedF-test for the fixed effects
timixMixed model for the synchronized time sereis with given...
timixCovMixed model for the synchronized time sereis by optimization.
timixCovRhoMixed model for the synchronized time sereis by optimization,...
timixGrdMixed model for the synchronized time sereis by grid-search...
timixRevobtain negative log likelihood of timix function for...
timixRevRhoobtain negative log likelihood of timix function for...
tsEMMREMLMultiKernelFit mixed model
ShojiTaniguchi/timsync documentation built on Oct. 10, 2020, 3:33 p.m.