
Defines functions geoget_worldpol bbox_expand is_polygon is_point glottocheck_crsmissing is_sf is_raster identicalcrs is_lonlat contransform_lonlat lonlat2utm

# Small helper functions only! Major functions migrated to geospace --------

#' Calculate EPSG code from lonlat
#' From https://geocompr.robinlovelace.net/reproj-geo-data.html
#' @param lonlat
#' @return An EPSG code
#' @noRd
lonlat2utm = function(lonlat) {
  utm = (floor((lonlat[1] + 180) / 6) %% 60) + 1
  if(lonlat[2] > 0) {
    utm + 32600
  } else{
    utm + 32700

#' Conditionally transforms coordinates to lonlat
#' If CRS of a spatial object is not longitude latitude it will be converted.
#' @param data Spatial object with any crs
#' @return Spatial object transformed to lonlat
#' @noRd
contransform_lonlat <- function(data){
  # Split in two functions: is_lonlat and is_lonlattransform
  if(!is_lonlat(data)) {
    # raster::isLonLat
    data <- sf::st_transform(x = data, crs = "EPSG:4326")

is_lonlat <- function(object){
  if(is.na(sf::st_is_longlat(object))){stop("No coordinate reference system!")}

#' Check whether crs of two spatial objects are identical
#' @param x spatial object
#' @param y spatial object
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @noRd
identicalcrs <- function(x, y){
  base::identical(sf::st_crs(x), sf::st_crs(y))

#' Check whether an object is of class raster
#' @param object any object
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @noRd
is_raster <- function(object){
  inherits(object, what = c("RasterLayer", "RasterStack") )

#' Check whether an object is of class sf
#' @param object any object
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @noRd
is_sf <- function(object){
  inherits(object, what = "sf" )

#' Check whether crs is specified for an object
#' @param object any object
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @noRd
glottocheck_crsmissing <- function(object){

#' Check whether the geometry of a spatial object is POINT
#' Check whether geometry type is one of: POINT, MULTIPOINT, or a combination thereof
#' @param object any object
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @noRd
is_point <- function(object){
  all(unique(sf::st_geometry_type(object)) %in% c("POINT", "MULTIPOINT"))

#' Check whether the geometry of a spatial object is POLYGON
#' Check whether geometry type is on of: POLYGON, MULTIPOLYGON, or a combination thereof.
#' @param object any object
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @noRd
is_polygon <- function(object){
  all(unique(sf::st_geometry_type(object)) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON"))

#' Expand bounding box
#' @param bbox original bounding box
#' @param f expansion factor
#' @return Expanded bounding box
#' @noRd
bbox_expand <- function(bbox, f = 0.2){

  xrange <- bbox$xmax - bbox$xmin # range of x values
  yrange <- bbox$ymax - bbox$ymin # range of y values

  bbox[1] <- bbox[1] - (f * xrange) # xmin - left
  bbox[3] <- bbox[3] + (f * xrange) # xmax - right
  bbox[2] <- bbox[2] - (f * yrange) # ymin - bottom
  bbox[4] <- bbox[4] + (f * yrange) # ymax - top

#' Download political boundaries for the whole world from naturalearth
#' Added because some countries are missing when using rnaturalearth::ne_countries()
#' @return An sf object
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' # tmap::tmap_mode("view")
#' ne <- geoget_worldpol()
#' tmap::tm_shape(ne) +tmap::tm_polygons()
geoget_worldpol <- function(){
  basemap <- rnaturalearth::ne_download(scale = 50, type = "map_units", category = "cultural", returnclass = "sf") %>%

  colnames(basemap) <- tolower(colnames(basemap))
  basemap <- basemap[,c("admin", "sovereignt", "type", "geounit", "continent", "adm0_a3")]
  names(basemap)[names(basemap)=="admin"] <- "country"
  names(basemap)[names(basemap)=="sovereignt"] <- "sovereignty"
SietzeN/glottospace documentation built on June 15, 2024, 10:45 p.m.