Man pages for SimonDedman/
Automated Boosted Regression Tree Modelling and Mapping Suite

Adult_FemalesData: Numbers of 4 adult female rays caught in 2137 Irish Sea...
AllPreds_EData: Predicted abundances of 4 ray species generated using...
AllScaledDataData: Scaled abundance data for 2 subsets of 4 rays in the...
breaks.gridDefines breakpoints for draw.grid and legend.grid; mapplots...
gbm.autoAutomated Boosted Regression Tree modelling and mapping suite Automated Boosted Regression Tree Modelling and...
gbm.basemapCreates Basemaps for mapping from your data range
gbm.bfcheckCalculates minimum Bag Fraction size for
gbm.consConservation Area Mapping
gbm.factorplotCreates ggplots of marginal effect for factorial variables...
gbm.lmplotsPlot linear models for all expvar against the resvar
gbm.loopCalculate Coefficient Of Variation surfaces for
gbm.mapMaps of predicted abundance from Boosted Regression Tree...
gbm.mapsfMaps of predicted abundance from Boosted Regression Tree...
gbm.rsbRepresentativeness Surface Builder
gbm.step.sdFunction to assess optimal no of boosting trees using k-fold...
gbm.subsetSubset input datasets to 2 groups using the partial...
gbm.valuemapDecision Support Tool that generates (Marine) Protected Area...
gridsData: Explanatory variables for rays in the Irish Sea
JuvenilesData: Explanatory and response variables for 4 juvenile rays...
lmplotPlot linear model for two variables with R2 & P printed and...
samplesData: Numbers of 4 ray species caught in 2137 Irish Sea...
SimonDedman/ documentation built on Feb. 9, 2024, 5:12 p.m.