knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Fasta file

The file Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.1.1.10M.fa.gz was downloaded from the ARMOR repository at

STAR-salmon folder

The equivalence classes (eq_classes.txt) and transcript estimated counts (quant.sf) were obtained by aligning the paired-ended reads from the ARMOR repository with STAR and checking the transcripts compatible with each alignment via salmon.

The reads were downloaded from

# Download the ARMOR github repository
git clone

# set the base_dir to the downloaded repo:

# input reads:

# RUN STAR alignment and Salmon on the alignment obtained from STAR:
# fasta file, reference genome (DNA)

# gtf file

# make directory for STAR output:
mkdir $base_dir/STAR

# folder where we will create a genome index:
mkdir $base_dir/STAR/genome_index

# Generate Genome index:
STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --runThreadN 4 --genomeDir $GDIR  \
       --genomeFastaFiles $fasta --sjdbGTFfile $gtf --sjdbOverhang 62
ls $GDIR
# sjdbOverhang ideally should be the lenght of the reads -1 (our reads are 63 bps).

# output directory
mkdir $base_dir/STAR/alignment

# change directory to the output directory:
cd $outDir

# align reads with STAR:
# --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM is essential to obtain the transcript alignments.
STAR --runMode alignReads --runThreadN 4 --genomeDir $GDIR \
--readFilesIn <(zcat $fastq_files/SRR1039508_R1.fastq.gz) <(zcat $fastq_files/SRR1039508_R2.fastq.gz) \
--outFileNamePrefix sample1 --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM

STAR --runMode alignReads --runThreadN 4 --genomeDir $GDIR \
--readFilesIn <(zcat $fastq_files/SRR1039509_R1.fastq.gz) <(zcat $fastq_files/SRR1039509_R2.fastq.gz) \
--outFileNamePrefix sample2 --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM

STAR --runMode alignReads --runThreadN 4 --genomeDir $GDIR \
--readFilesIn <(zcat $fastq_files/SRR1039512_R1.fastq.gz) <(zcat $fastq_files/SRR1039512_R2.fastq.gz) \
--outFileNamePrefix sample3 --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM

STAR --runMode alignReads --runThreadN 4 --genomeDir $GDIR \
--readFilesIn <(zcat $fastq_files/SRR1039513_R1.fastq.gz) <(zcat $fastq_files/SRR1039513_R2.fastq.gz) \
--outFileNamePrefix sample4 --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM

# use gffread to build a reference transcriptome (fasta format) compatible with the DNA fasta and gtf files used for STAR:
gffread -w cDNA.fa -g $fasta $gtf

# crete a variable to point at the newly created transcriptome fasta file:

# Use salmon on the transcript alignments to compute the equivalence classes:
# --dumpEq is essential to obtain the equivalence classes from salmon.
$salmon quant -t $cdna -l A -a sample1Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam -o sample1 -p 4 --dumpEq
$salmon quant -t $cdna -l A -a sample2Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam -o sample2 -p 4 --dumpEq
$salmon quant -t $cdna -l A -a sample3Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam -o sample3 -p 4 --dumpEq
$salmon quant -t $cdna -l A -a sample4Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam -o sample4 -p 4 --dumpEq
# In the output folders, the `quant.sf` files contain the estimated transcript level abundances, while the equivalence classes (and respective counts) are stored in the `aux_info/eq_classes.txt` files.

kallisto folder

The equivalence classes ( and respective counts counts (pseudoalignments.tsv) were obtained by aligning the paired-ended reads from the ARMOR repository with kallisto.

Continue after running the code above.

# create a directory for kallisto
mkdir $base_dir/kallisto

# create a directory for the genome index
mkdir $base_dir/kallisto/kallisto_index

# create a directory for the output of the alignment
mkdir $base_dir/kallisto/alignment

# create a directory for the output of the equivalence classes
mkdir $base_dir/kallisto/pseudo

#Build kallisto index
kallisto index -i $idx/transcripts.idxl $cdna

# Align reads and quantify transcript abundance with kallisto:
kallisto quant -i $idx/transcripts.idx -o $out_kallisto_alignment/sample1 --bias --threads 4 \
$fastq_files/SRR1039508_R1.fastq.gz $fastq_files/SRR1039508_R2.fastq.gz 

kallisto quant -i $idx/transcripts.idx -o $out_kallisto_alignment/sample2 --bias --threads 4 \
$fastq_files/SRR1039509_R1.fastq.gz $fastq_files/SRR1039509_R2.fastq.gz 

kallisto quant -i $idx/transcripts.idx -o $out_kallisto_alignment/sample3 --bias --threads 4 \
$fastq_files/SRR1039512_R1.fastq.gz $fastq_files/SRR1039512_R2.fastq.gz 

kallisto quant -i $idx/transcripts.idx -o $out_kallisto_alignment/sample4 --bias --threads 4 \
$fastq_files/SRR1039513_R1.fastq.gz $fastq_files/SRR1039513_R2.fastq.gz 
# In the output folders, the `abundance.tsv` files contain the estimated transcript level abundances.

# Compute the equivalence classes and respective counts with kallisto:
kallisto pseudo -i $idx/transcripts.idx -o $out_kallisto_pseudo/sample1  \
$fastq_files/SRR1039508_R1.fastq.gz $fastq_files/SRR1039508_R2.fastq.gz 

kallisto pseudo -i $idx/transcripts.idx -o $out_kallisto_pseudo/sample2  \
$fastq_files/SRR1039509_R1.fastq.gz $fastq_files/SRR1039509_R2.fastq.gz 

kallisto pseudo -i $idx/transcripts.idx -o $out_kallisto_pseudo/sample3  \
$fastq_files/SRR1039512_R1.fastq.gz $fastq_files/SRR1039512_R2.fastq.gz 

kallisto pseudo -i $idx/transcripts.idx -o $out_kallisto_pseudo/sample4  \
$fastq_files/SRR1039513_R1.fastq.gz $fastq_files/SRR1039513_R2.fastq.gz 
# In the output folders, the `` files contain the transcripts forming each equivalence class, while the `pseudoalignments.tsv` files contain the equivalence classes counts.

SimoneTiberi/BANDITS documentation built on Nov. 15, 2023, 2:35 p.m.