
Defines functions vectorField

Documented in vectorField

#' Vector field plot
#' Simple function to plot a vector field given two components.
#' This function plots a vector field given a data.frame with coordinates (x, y)
#' and corresponding velocity components (u, v). Vectors are coloured by
#' magnitude (speed).
#' The coordinates are assumed to be on a regular rectangular grid in the
#' UTM reference system.
#' This function is heavily inspired by snippets of code in
#' *R Graphics Cookbook* by Winston Chang (https://r-graphics.org/index.html).
#' @return A \code{ggplot2} object if `preview = TRUE`. A \code{ggplot2}
#` directive otherwise. In the latter case, the output should be piped to
#' a plot, as a \code{contourPlot2()} and the vector field will be overlapped.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_segment aes
#' @param data A dataframe containing data to be plotted in the form of:
#' *(x, y, u, v)*.
#' @param scale length factor of vector components
#' @param everyx keep one out of every *everyx* values, along *x* direction.
#' @param everyy keep one out of every *everyy* values, along *y* direction.
#' @param size arrow size.
#' @param preview (default = TRUE) create a plot. If FALSE it only creates
#' the ggplot2 directive to be added to another plot.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' metU <- importADSOBIN('/path/to/meteofile',
#'                       variable = 'U',
#'                       slice=2,
#'                       k = 1000,
#'                       verbose = TRUE)
#' metU <- as.data.frame(metU)
#' metU <- metU %>%
#'         mutate(u = z, z = NULL)
#' metV <- importADSOBIN('/path/to/meteofile',
#'                       variable = 'V',
#'                       slice=2,
#'                       k = 1000,
#'                       verbose = TRUE)
#' metV <- as.data.frame(metV)
#' metV <- metV %>%
#'         mutate(v = z, z = NULL)
#' met <- merge(metU, metV, by = c("x", "y"))
#' vectorField(met, everyx = 2, everyy = 2, scale = 10) +
#'     coord_fixed(ratio = 1, xlim = c(0, 1000), ylim = c(0, 1000)) +
#'     scale_color_viridis_c()
#' # Overlap the vector field to a contour plot and set vector colours to black
#' met$ws <- sqrt(met$u^2 + met$v^2)
#' contourPlot2(met, z = "ws") +
#'      vectorField(met, everyx = 2, everyy = 2, scale = 10, preview = FALSE) +
#'      scale_colour_gradient(low = "black", high = "black", guide = NULL)
#' }
#' @export
vectorField <- function(data,
                        scale = 1.,
                        everyx = 1,
                        everyy = 1,
                        size = 0.25,
                        preview = TRUE) {

    # Fix No visible binding for global variable
    x <- y <- u <- v <- magnitude <- NULL

    every_n <- function(x, by = 2) {
        x <- sort(x)
        x[seq(1, length(x), by = by)]

    # Compute vector magnitude
    data <- as.data.frame(data)
    data$magnitude <- sqrt(data$u^2 + data$v^2)

    # Arrow length
    arrLength <- 0.01

    # Skip points
    keepx <- every_n(unique(data$x), by = everyx)
    keepy <- every_n(unique(data$y), by = everyy)
    datasub <- subset(data, x %in% keepx)
    datasub <- subset(datasub, y %in% keepy)

    # Vectors scale factor (1 m/s -> 100 m)
    scale <- scale * 100

    # Plot
    pl <- geom_segment(data = datasub, aes(x = x, y = y,
                                           xend = x + scale * u,
                                           yend = y + scale * v,
                                           colour = magnitude),
                       arrow = arrow(length = unit(arrLength, "npc")),
                       size = size)

    if (preview) {
        pl <- ggplot() + pl

Simularia/simulariatools documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 6:51 a.m.