Guidelines for contributing to the R package emdi

The R package emdi is an open source project. We are not directly funded to maintain it. Therefore, we are grateful for your consideration to contribute to this project.

Ways to contribute

Why repeat what others already explained much better, so if you are looking for general information on how and why to contribute to open source projects see: Open Source Guide

Questions, Bugs and Enhancements

If you are stuck with a question that you can not solve yourself by browsing through the documentation feel free to use the github issues to let us know. Please remember to use labels to let us know what kind of an issue it is.

Reporting a bug

Did you notice a bug while using emdi? Please let us know so we can fix it and improve yours and others experience with emdi. To make sure we fully understand the issue and can reproduce the bug: Please include the following details in your report.

Suggesting an enhancement

Please, first study the documentation and the accompanying vignettes to see if the suggested feature is not already included. If you are sure your feature is not already there please provide us with a - detailed description of the desired feature. - focus on what you want to achieve and less how you would implement it. - keep the scope narrow. (Chances for small features to be implemented are much higher ;-))

Contributing to the code and documentation

As you might have already noticed while browsing our repo we use branches to implement features or fix bugs. Our master branch corresponds to the current emdi version on cran. This allows us to develop larger features on the dev branch while maintaining the possibility of providing hotfixes to emdi on cran. Such hotfixes on the master branch will ONLY be done by emdi's core development team. All other contributions should be done via branches from the dev branch. Any kind of enhancement, e.g. an improvement of the documentation or a new feature should be done in branches starting with feature\ while bug\ signals us a bugfix.

If you contribute to code and documentation please also add a bullet point at the file, and tell people what has changed. Please, prepare your pull request thoroughly. Work on an up-to-date version of dev. If there are merge conflicts due to a very out-of-date version of dev we will ask you to prepare an updated version before considering merging it. Also devtools::check() should yield no errors, no warnings and no notes. New code also needs to be covered with tests. (Hint, we use the testthat package, and tests are loYou cated at: emdi/tests/testthat/. Both, the check and the tests are automatically checked by github actions.

Also please please try to keep the scope of a pull request as narrow as possible! It is really hard and time consuming to review multiple hundreds of lines of code at once!

On adding documentation

THANKS! You have read all the above and still want to contribute GREAT! Please note, we use roxygen2 for our documentation, hence you will need to use the #' escape to add your documentation directly in the R file! All changes in the markdown files in the man folder are overwritten when building the package.

On enhancing the code

Still here? Amazing! Just some notes regarding our style we (try to) use snake_case for practically everything, and try to stay within the 80 characters per line boundary! Make sure a new function is documented (see above) and contains both tests, and an example.

Fixing a bug? Great! Please make sure to add a (small) test that would have detected it in the first place.

If your enhancement of bug fix corresponds to a github issue, make sure to link it in the merge request.

But I really want to add something big!

Contact us ( or and we will figure it out. It will probably include you forking our repo for development purposes.

Anything else I need to know?

Yes! If you think about implementing a whole new statistical method, please note we ONLY include methods into emdi that have previously been published in an peer reviewed journal.

SoerenPannier/emdi documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 7:54 p.m.