
Defines functions va_lag

Documented in va_lag

#' Visit-Arrival Lag
#' @description 
#' Calculates the average time lag between when: a patient arrives and the first record for their visit is received by the Platform.
#' A summary is returned at the facility level.
#' @param data The raw data on which you will do these summaries.
#' @param names A table of Facility_Name and C_Facility_ID which taken from the MFT using the `pull_data` function.
#' @param offset The number of hours you wish to offset Date_Entry_Added (which is in UTC). The offset value is how far off your local time zone is from UTC. 
#' For example, the Central Time Zone would set this to 5 or 6, depending on if it is daylight savings or not. This value should be an integer. 
#' @return A data frame with three columns: facility name, facility ID, and average lag between patient visit and first record arrival.
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @export
va_lag <- function(data, names, offset) {
    data %>% # take raw data
      select(C_Visit_ID, C_Facility_ID, Date_Entry_Added, C_Visit_Date_Time) %>% # select only vars we need
      group_by(C_Visit_ID) %>% # group by patient visit
      slice(which.min(Date_Entry_Added)) %>% # get the first arrived date time
      slice(1) %>% # get one, just in case there are ties
        Date_Entry_Added = lubridate::ymd_hms(Date_Entry_Added) - lubridate::hours(offset), # adjust utc arrived to local time
        lag=as.numeric(difftime(Date_Entry_Added, C_Visit_Date_Time, units="hours")) # get lag, in hours
      ) %>% 
      ungroup() %>% # ungroup explicitly
      group_by(C_Facility_ID) %>% # regroup by facility
      summarise(First_Message=round(mean(lag, na.rm=TRUE),2)) %>% # get the average, round by two digits
      right_join(names, ., by="C_Facility_ID") # join with the names data
SophiaLC/IHI_DQ documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 2:35 a.m.