
#' Subcluster elimination
#' @description Eliminate a subcluster and merge its elements to the main cluster.
#' @param cluster the cluster under consideration (of the form provided by the function hclust2tree)
#' @param pos the position of the subcluster, directly under the main cluster, to eliminate
#' @include ClusterNodeSelection.R
#' @author Simon-Pierre Gadoury
#' @return The main cluster, without the subcluster that was eliminated.
#' @export

EliminateCluster <- function(cluster, pos){
  stopifnot(length(cluster) > 1)
  FinalCluster <- list()
  if (pos > 1){
    for (i in 1:(pos - 1)){
      FinalCluster[[i]] <- cluster[[i]]
    for (i in pos:(pos + length(cluster[[pos]]) - 1)){
      FinalCluster[[i]] <- cluster[[pos]][[i - pos + 1]]
    if (pos < length(cluster)){
      for (i in (pos + length(cluster[[pos]])):(length(cluster[[pos]]) + length(cluster) - 1)){
        FinalCluster[[i]] <- cluster[[i - length(cluster[[pos]]) + 1]]
    for (i in 1:length(cluster[[1]])){
      FinalCluster[[i]] <- cluster[[1]][[i]]
    for (i in 2:length(cluster)){
      FinalCluster[[length(cluster[[1]]) + i - 1]] <- cluster[[i]]
Spgadou/erhcv documentation built on May 13, 2019, 12:52 p.m.