Man pages for StateSpaceModels/ssminr

calibrate_smcCalibrate the number of particles for a SMC
call_ssmCall to SSM
convert_symbolConvert symbols for latex and html
do_lhsPerform LHS
ebola_2014Time-series of the 2014 Ebola epidemic in Liberia
get_hatCompute hat for X
get_max_lhsGet max LHS
inputCreate SSM input
kalmanRun a Kalman filter
kmcmcRun a Kalman-MCMC
ksimplexRun a Kalman-Simplex
liberia1Time-series of the Ebola epidemic in Liberia until August...
liberia2Time-series of the Ebola epidemic in Liberia until December...
mifRun a MIF
new_ssmBuild model in SSM
obsObservation processes for SSM
one_ssm_sample_priorSample prior
one_theta_sample_priorSample from prior
plot_dataPlot data
plot_HPD_2D2D highest posterior density region
plot_modelInteractive display of SSM model
plot_priorsPlot priors
plot_thetaPlot priors and posteriors
plot_XPlot states
pmcmcRun a Particle-MCMC
print.ssmPrint ssm
priorSome priors distributions
r2ssmConvert R object into SSM object
reactionCreate SSM reaction
sample_priorSample prior
sdeDefine SDE on SSM inputs
simplexRun a Simplex
simulSimulate ssm
smcRun a SMC
sympy_simplifySimplify symbolic expression
to_tracerExport to tracer
StateSpaceModels/ssminr documentation built on Feb. 7, 2020, 8:20 p.m.