
#' Estimates of New Zealand population by age, sex,
#' and territorial authority, 30 June, 1996-2015.
#' The territorial authority is the most important
#' sub-national administrative unit in New Zealand.
#' In 2010, seven territorial authorities were
#' amalgamated to form a single Auckland region.  \code{nz.popn.ta}
#' uses the post-amalgamation boundaries for the entire
#' period 1996-2015.
#' @format An array with dimensions "age", "sex", "region", and "year"
#' @source Data for 1996, 2001, and 2006-2015 downloaded from
#'    Statistics New Zealand website, 21 July 2016.  Values
#'    for 1997-2000 and 2002-2005 obtained by spline interpolation.
StatisticsNZ/demdata documentation built on Nov. 6, 2019, 11:09 p.m.