Error-class: S4 classes to specify error terms for priors.

Error-classR Documentation

S4 classes to specify error terms for priors.


An object of class Error holds the information required to construct an error term in a prior for a main effect or interaction. Errors can have a normal or t distributions. Error terms with normal distributions are described by objects of class ErrorNorm, and error terms with t distributions are described by objects of class ErrorRobust.


ErrorNorm and ErrorRobust are both subclasses of virtual class Error.

The scale parameters for the normal and t-distribution priors have truncated half-t priors.



Degrees of freedom for the t distribution. (ErrorRobust only).


Degrees of freedom for the prior for the scale parameter.


Scale for the prior for the scale parameter.


Maximum value for the scale parameter.


In normal usage, it should not be necessary to access, or even know about, the slots of an Error object. The slots are not part of the API of the package, and may change in future.

See Also

Objects of class Error are created by a call to function Error.

StatisticsNZ/demest documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 7:56 p.m.