likelihood: Specify first two levels of hierarchical model.

likelihoodR Documentation

Specify first two levels of hierarchical model.


Specify the likelihood and part of the prior for a Poisson, binomial, or normal hierarchical model.


Poisson(formula, useExpose = TRUE, structuralZeros = NULL, boxcox = 0)

  dispersion = Dispersion(),
  useExpose = TRUE,
  structuralZeros = NULL,
  boxcox = 0

Binomial(formula, structuralZeros = NULL)

Normal(formula, sd = NULL, priorSD = HalfT())



A formula with response mean and names of dimensions of demographic series or dataset being modelled.


Whether the model includes an exposure term. Defaults to TRUE.


Location of any structural zeros in the data. An object of class Values, or, for the typical case, the word "diag".


Parameter determining transformation of rates or counts used in Poisson or CMP models. Defaults to 0, implying that a log transform is used.


The dispersion parameter for a CMP model. An object of class Dispersion, typically created by a call to function Dispersion.


Standard deviation in the likelihood for the normal model. If a value is not supplied, it is estimated from the data.


An object of class HalfT specifying a non-default prior for the standard deviation in the likelihood for the normal model.


Specify a likelihood and prior of the form

y_i \sim Poisson(\gamma_i n_i)

log(\gamma_i) \sim N(x_i \beta, \sigma_i),

y_i \sim Poisson(\gamma_i)

log(\gamma_i) \sim N(x_i \beta, \sigma_i),

y_i \sim CMP(\gamma_i n_i, \nu_i)

log(\gamma_i) \sim N(x_i \beta, \sigma_i),

log(\nu_i) \sim N(m, s^2)

y_i \sim CMP(\gamma_i, \nu_i)

log(\gamma_i) \sim N(x_i \beta, \sigma_i),

log(\nu_i) \sim N(m, s^2)

y_i \sim binomial(n_i, \gamma_i)

logit(\gamma_i) \sim N(x_i \beta, \sigma_i),


y_i \sim normal(\gamma_i, \phi^2 / w_i)

\gamma_i \sim N(x_i \beta, \sigma_i)


Subscript i denotes a cell within a multiway array, such as an array with dimensions age, sex, and time. In Poisson and binomial models, y_i is a count. The n_i term is an exposure in the case of Poisson and CMP (COMPoisson) models and a sample size in the case of binomial models. It is not supplied in calls to function Poisson or Binomial. In normal models y_i is a cell-specific value such as a mean, and w_i is a cell-specific weight. Weights are not supplied in calls to function Normal. Vector \beta contains main effects and interactions, such as age effects, time effects, and age-region interactions. Vector x_i is the ith row from the design matrix X.

The main effects and interactions are specified via the formula argument. For instance,

mean ~ age * sex + time

specifies a model with age, sex, and time main effects, and an age-sex interaction.

The main effects and interactions in a hierarchical model are only weakly identified: see the documentation for function fetch for details.

If a model has two or more levels, the second level typically contains more than just main effects and interactions. For instance, the second level of Poisson, binomial, and normal hierarchical models contains a variance term. The remaining parts of the second level, such as the variances, as well as any higher levels, are specified in calls to function Model, or to functions estimateModel, estimateCounts, or estimateAccount.

Poisson and CMP models allow structural zeros in the data, that is, cells whose value must be zero by definition. Examples include the number of pregnant males or the number of people transitioning straight from "single" to "divorced". The most general way to specify structural zeros is to supply an object of class Values, with zeros in the places where structural zeros are expected, and non-zero values elsewhere. The Values object only has to contain enough dimensions to specify the positions where the structural zeros appear: other dimensions will be added as needed. See below for an example.

The most common situation where structural zeros are required is when the data has origin and destination dimensions, and values on the diagonal are always zero. Setting structuralZeros to "diag" is equivalent to supplying a Values object with zeros on the diagonal.


An object of class SpecLikelihood.

See Also

Functions Poisson, Binomial, and Normal are used as part of a call to function Model.


## age effect, sex effect, age-sex interaction,
## and time effect
Poisson(mean ~ age * sex + time)

## same model, but without exposure term
Poisson(mean ~ age * sex + time, useExpose = FALSE)

## use formula notation to specify second-order interactions
Binomial(mean ~ (age + sex + region)^2)

Normal(mean ~ age + education + income)
## specify the exact value of the standard deviation
Normal(mean ~ age + education + income,
       sd = 0.3)
## specify a non-default prior for the standard deviation
Normal(mean ~ age + education + income,
       priorSD = HalfT(scale = 100))

## Specify structural zero on the diagonal
struc.zeros <- Values(array(c(0, 1, 1,
                              1, 0, 1,
                              1, 1, 0),
                            dim = c(3, 3),
                            dimnames = list(region_orig = c("A", "B", "C"),
                                          region_dest = c("A", "B", "C"))))
## Note that the model contains age and sex dimensions. These
## The pattern of zeros specified by 'struc.zeros' will be
## replicated for each combination of these dimensions.
Poisson(mean ~ region_orig * region_dest + age * sex,
        structuralZeros = struc.zeros)
## The same pattern of structural zeros, with zeros on the diagonal
## formed by the origina and destination dimensions, can be specified
## by using the word "diag"
Poisson(mean ~ region_orig * region_dest + age * sex,
        structuralZeros = "diag")

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