Man pages for StatsResearch/RobsRUtils
Handy utils I have come across

EncryptAndSaveUtility to encrypt a clear text with a public key from...
ErrorBar_LL_ULUtility to provide Lower and Upper Limit values for Error...
FormatJSON_StringUtility to return a formatted JSON string
GenAndSaveKeysUtility to generate encryption keys
GetClearTextUtility to get the clear text from an encrypted file
GetColourBlindPaletteUtility to return a colour blind sensitive colour palette
GetPaletteSizeUtility to return the palette size for...
LoadKeysUtility to load previously generated cryptographic key files
MakePieUtility to make a ggplot pie chart
MD5_thisFileUtility to return MD5 signature of a file
OutputPlotForPaperWrapper function for plotting ggplot2 in a more general...
PlotPDFUtility to wrap the standard pdf() driver to A4 or A3 format
ProducePlotWrapper function for plotting ggplot2 PDFs
ProgressDotA text based progress bar
RobsRUtilsRobsRUtils: Routines I have found or created along the way
SHA1_thisFileUtility to return SHA1 signature of a file
SHA256_thisFileUtility to return SHA256 signature of a file
TrimUtility to return string w/o leading or trailing whitespace
TrimLeadingUtility to return string w/o leading whitespace
TrimTrailingUtility to return string w/o trailing whitespace
VerifyMD5Wrapper function for checking an MD5
StatsResearch/RobsRUtils documentation built on May 9, 2019, 3:04 p.m.