Man pages for StatsWithR/statsr
Companion Software for the Coursera Statistics with R Specialization

allow_shinySimple check to determine if code is being run in RStudio...
amesHousing prices in Ames, Iowa
ames_sampling_distSimulate Sampling Distribution
arbuthnotMale and female births in London
atheismAtheism in the world data
bandit_posteriorbandit posterior
bandit_simRun the Bandit Simulation shiny app
bayes_inferenceBayesian hypothesis tests and credible intervals
BF_appRun the interactive Bayes Factor shiny app
brfssBehavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2013 (Subset)
calc_streakCalculate hitting streaks
credible_interval_appCredible Interval shiny app
evalsTeachers evaluations at the University of Texas at Austin
inferenceHypothesis tests and confidence intervals
kobe_basketKobe Bryant basketball performance
mlb11Major League Baseball team data
ncNorth Carolina births
nycflightsFlights data
presentMale and female births in the US
rep_sample_nRepeating Sampling from a Tibble
statsrstatsr: A companion package for Statistics with R
tapwaterTotal Trihalomethanes in Tapwater
wageWage data
zincZinc Concentration in Water
StatsWithR/statsr documentation built on Jan. 24, 2021, 10:12 a.m.