Man pages for StevenVB12/patternize
Quantification of Color Pattern Variation

alignLanAlign images using landmarks
alignRegAligns images using 'niftyreg' utilities for automated image...
colorCheckerCalibrate images using ColorChecker.
colorChecker_customGrayCalibrate images using ColorChecker.
colorChecker_halfCalibrate images using (right) half of ColorChecker. Only...
createPhenotypePlot color pattern prediction for specified PCA values
createTargetCreate a target image (RasterStack) from a polygon.
extdataExternal patternize data
GMMImage'GMM' clustering of image imported as a RasterStack.
kImage'kmeans' clustering of image imported as a RasterStack. This...
kImageHSV'kmeans' clustering of image imported as a RasterStack. This...
lanArrayBuild landmark array for 'Morpho'.
makeListBuild list of landmarks or RasterStacks from images using...
maskOutlineIntersects a RasterStack with an outline. Everything outside...
patAreaThis fucntion calculates the area in which the color pattern...
patGMMExtract colors using GMM clustering (for pre-aligned images).
patKExtract colors using k-means clustering (for pre-aligned...
patK_HSVExtract colors using k-means clustering (for pre-aligned...
patLanHSVAligns images usings transformations obtained from fixed...
patLanKAligns images usings transformations obtained from fixed...
patLanK_HSVAligns images usings transformations obtained from fixed...
patLanRGBAligns images usings transformations obtained from fixed...
patLanWExtracts color pattern from landmark transformed image using...
patPCAThis function transforms the individual color pattern rasters...
patRDAThis function transforms the individual color pattern rasters...
patRegHSVAligns images using 'niftyreg' utilities for automated image...
patRegKAligns images using 'niftyreg' utilities for automated image...
patRegK_HSVAligns images using 'niftyreg' utilities for automated image...
patRegRGBAligns images using 'niftyreg' utilities for automated image...
patRegWAligns images using 'niftyreg' utilities for automated image...
patternizepatternize - An R package for quantifying color pattern...
plotHeatPlots the color pattern heatmaps from 'sumRaster' output.
plotRasterstackAsImagePlot rasterStack as image.
redResReduce the resolution of an image imported as a RasterStack...
sampleLandmarksSample landmarks in an image.
sampleRGBInteractive function to sample RGB value from pixel or square...
setMaskInteractive function to to draw an outline for masking.
sumRasterThis function sums the individual color pattern RasterLayes...
StevenVB12/patternize documentation built on July 3, 2024, 8:06 a.m.