MeanDensityData: Mean density data

MeanDensityDataR Documentation

Mean density data


The MeanDensityData model data holds the density of individuals as number per square nautical mile, by Stratum and Layer. The data type contains the tables Data and Resolution. The variables of the MeanDensityData are the same as in DensityData, except that the variable PSU is not present in the table Data, and that the variable DensityWeight is replaced by the variable MeanDensityWeight:



Variable Description Unit Data type Example Occurrence
Survey The survey identifier None Character "MainSurvey" Always
Stratum The stratum identifier None Character "Stratum1" Always
Layer The depth Layer identifier None Character "Layer1" Always
Beam Unique Beam identifier None Character "38000/2" AcousticDensity
SpeciesCategory The species category None Character "Herring" Always
IndividualTotalLength Total length (from snout to end of fin), given as the lower end of the interval of width given by LengthResolution cm Numeric 14.5 SweptAreaDensity
LengthResolution Resolution of IndividualTotalLength cm Numeric 0.5 SweptAreaDensity
Frequency The acoustic frequency of the Beam hertz Numeric 38000 AcousticDensity
Density The density, either given as number of individuals or weight per square nautical mile (when DensityType is "AreaNumberDensity" or AreaWeightDensity, respectively) nmi^-2 if DensityType is "AreaNumberDensity", and kg nmi^-2 if DensityType is "AreaWeightDensity" (only relevant when SweptAreaDensityMethod is "TotalCatch") Numeric 123.4 Always
MinLayerDepth The minimum depth of the depth Layer m Numeric 0 Always
MaxLayerDepth The maximum depth of the depth Layer m Numeric 100 Always
MeanDensityWeight The weight of the density value associated with the Stratum, i.e., the number of Stations for SweptAreaDensity and total LogDistance for AcousticDensity None Numeric 8 Always
DensityType The type of density, currently one of "AreaNumberDensity" and "AreaWeightDensity" None Character "AreaNumberDensity" Always


Variable Description Unit Data type Example Occurrence
Stratum The stratum identifier None Character "Stratum1" Always
PSU The PSU identifier None Character "PSU1" Always
EDSU Unique elementary distance sampling unit (EDSU/Log) identifier None Character "2020821/2020-04-24T03:51:26.000Z" AcousticDensity
Station Unique Station identifier None Character "2021105-1" SweptAreaDensity
Layer The depth Layer identifier None Character "Layer1" Always
Channel Unique NASC depth channel identifier None Character "2" AcousticDensity
Cruise Unique Cruise identifier (see StoxAcousticFormat for output from AcousticDensity and StoxBioticFormat for output from SweptAreaDensity) None Character "2021105" Always
EffectiveLogDistance The effective length of the EDSU nmi Numeric 0.09 AcousticDensity
EffectiveTowDistance Effective tow distance of the Haul nmi Numeric 1.5 SweptAreaDensity
DateTime UTC time at start of the EDSU or Station, stored as POSIXct ISO8601 Character 2020-09-09T01:02:03.456Z Always
Longitude Longitude at start of the EDSU or Station degree east Numeric 62.5 Always
Latitude Latitude at start of the EDSU or Station degree north Numeric 5.1 Always
VerticalNetOpening Vertical span of the net m Numeric 23 SweptAreaDensity
HorizontalNetOpening Vertical span of the net m Numeric 105 SweptAreaDensity
TrawlDoorSpread Distance between the trawl doors. m Numeric 125 SweptAreaDensity

See Also

This data type is produced by MeanDensity based on DensityData See DataTypes for a list of all StoX data types produced by RstoxBase

StoXProject/RstoxBase documentation built on July 14, 2024, 9:39 a.m.