SumNASCData: Summed NASC data

SumNASCDataR Documentation

Summed NASC data


The SumNASCData model data is a list of two elements; the Data, which are similar to NASCData but added the Layer resolution column and summed vertically; and the Resolution, which is a table of the three columns EDSU, Layer and Channel containing the link between the vertical resolution variables before summing.



Variable Description Unit Data type Example
EDSU Unique elementary distance sampling unit (EDSU/Log) identifier None Character "2020821/2020-04-24T03:51:26.000Z"
Layer The depth Layer identifier None Character "Layer1"
Beam Unique Beam identifier None Character "38000/2"
AcousticCategory The acoustic category None Character "HER"
Frequency The acoustic frequency of the Beam hertz Numeric 38000
NASC The nautical area scattering coefficient. m^2/nmi^2 Numeric 59.24813
MinLayerDepth The minimum depth of the depth Layer m Numeric 0
MaxLayerDepth The maximum depth of the depth Layer m Numeric 100
SumNASCWeight The LogDistance of the EDSU (same as NASCWeight of the NASCData) None None 0.1
ChannelReferenceType Unique ChannelReference identifier None Character "P"
ChannelReferenceDepth The depth of the ChannelReference origin. 0 for pelagic channels. Not yet given for bottom channels, as BottomDepth is not yet defined for NMDEchosounder data m Numeric 0
ChannelReferenceTilt The tilt angle of the beam, where 180 is vertically downwards and 0 is vertically upwards degree Numeric 180
Cruise Unique Cruise identifier (see StoxAcousticFormat for output from AcousticDensity and StoxBioticFormat for output from SweptAreaDensity) None Character "2021105"
EffectiveLogDistance The effective length of the EDSU nmi Numeric 0.09
DateTime UTC time at start of the EDSU or Station, stored as POSIXct ISO8601 Character 2020-09-09T01:02:03.456Z
Longitude Longitude at start of the EDSU or Station degree east Numeric 62.5
Latitude Latitude at start of the EDSU or Station degree north Numeric 5.1


Variable Description Unit Data type Example
EDSU Unique elementary distance sampling unit (EDSU/Log) identifier None Character "2020821/2020-04-24T03:51:26.000Z"
Layer The depth Layer identifier None Character "Layer1"
Channel Unique NASC depth channel identifier None Character "2"

See Also

This data type is produced by SumNASC with input NASCData from NASC. SumNASCData is used in MeanNASC with output MeanNASCData. See DataTypes for a list of all StoX data types produced by RstoxBase

StoXProject/RstoxBase documentation built on July 14, 2024, 9:39 a.m.