SumSpeciesCategoryCatchData: Total catch per SpeciesCategory and Station

SumSpeciesCategoryCatchDataR Documentation

Total catch per SpeciesCategory and Station


The SumSpeciesCategoryCatchData model data is a list of two elements; the Data, which are similar to SpeciesCategoryCatch but added the Layer resolution column and summed vertically; and the Resolution, which is a table of the three columns Station, Layer and Haul containing the link between the vertical resolution variables before summing. Specifically, the Data table holds the following variables: "Station",, "Layer", "SpeciesCategory", "TotalCatchWeight", "TotalCatchNumber", "MinLayerDepth", "MaxLayerDepth", "SumSpeciesCategoryCatchWeight", "SpeciesCategoryCatchType", "Cruise", "EffectiveTowDistance", "DateTime", "Longitude", "Latitude".

See Also

This data type is produced by SumSpeciesCategoryCatch. See DataTypes for a list of all StoX data types produced by RstoxBase

StoXProject/RstoxBase documentation built on Jan. 22, 2025, 2:07 a.m.