Man pages for StoXProject/RstoxFramework
The Engine of StoX

AcousticPSUAdd or remove acoustic PSUs and EDSUs
addProcessAdd a StoX process to a model.
BioticAssignmentAdd or remove biotic hauls to/from assignment of hauls to...
BootstrapBootstrap the baseline model
BootstrapDataBootstrap data
BootstrapNetCDF4Bootstrap the baseline model, write to NetCDF4 file
BootstrapNetCDF4DataBootstrapNetCDF4 data
compareProjectToStoredOutputFilesFunction for comparing existing output files with the memory...
compareProjectToStoredOutputFilesAllFunction for comparing existing output files with the memory...
compareSweptAreaBaselineCompare processes in a StoX 2.7 project and a copy in StoX >=...
convertKeys2.7To3Convert keys of a 2.7 table to mimic the keys of StoX >= 3
convertStoX2.7To3Backward compabitibility actions:
DataTypesStoX data types of the RstoxFramework package
duplicateProcessDuplicate a StoX process.
estimateTimeOfProcessesGet process progress
expandDTFunction to expand a data table so that the cells that are...
expandProcessInsert a StoX process after a specific process
expression2listParse an R expression to a nested list:
extractErrorIDsGet IDs of bad Hauls or Samples
findProcessFind a processes from processName or functionName
fixedWidthTableFunction to convert data.table to fixed width:
general_argumentsGeneral parameters of RstoxFramework.
getActiveProcessGet the active process.
getAvaiableTemplatesGet avilable templates.
getAvailableStoxFunctionNamesFunction returning the names of the StoX functions available...
getModelDataGet output data from processes of a StoX model
getOfficialRstoxPackageVersionGet certified Rstox package versions
getProcessGet the properties of a StoX process
getProcessIDByOffsetFunction to get process index from process ID
getProcessIDFromFunctionNameGet process ID from function name
getProcessIDFromProcessNameFunction to get process ID from process name
getProcessIndexFromProcessIDFunction to get process index from process ID
getProcessNameFromProcessIDFunction to get process name from process ID
getProcessOutputGet output of a StoX process.
getProcessOutputElementsGet the names of the output tables of a process
getProcessOutputFilesFunction to get all process output memory files of a process:
getProcessOutputFolderFind the output folder of a process
getProcessOutputTableNamesGet the names of the output tables of a process
getProcessPlotOutputGet output of a StoX process.
getProcessTableFunctions to get the process table of a model.
getProjectPathsThis function gets the paths defined by...
getResamplableProcessesUtility function for processPropertyFormats. This is exported...
getResampleFunctionsUtility function for processPropertyFormats. This is exported...
getRstoxFrameworkDefinitionsGet RstoxFramework definitions
getSubPlotNames_PlotReportBootstrapList PlotReportBootstrap plots
getTemplateGet a template.
hasFileOutputDoes the process store output files?:
initiateRstoxFrameworkDefinitions stored in the RstoxFramework environment
json2expressionFunction to convert from json to R expression:
KnownDifferencesOldVersusNewStoXKnown differences between StoX 2.7 and the new StoX >= 3.0.0
list2expressionFunction to convert from R list to R expression:
ModelDataModel data generated by RstoxFramework
modifyModelModify a model
modifyProcessModify a process
modifyProjectModify a project
modifyProjectsModify multiple projects
parseParameterFunction to parse a parameter coming from the GUI
PlotReportBootstrapPlot ReportBootstrapData
PlotReportBootstrapDataPlot of reported Bootstrap data
prependProcessPrepend (append before) to a process by adding another...
ProcessDataProcess data used by RstoxFramework
processPropertyFormatsProcess property formats for RstoxFramework
progressOfProcessesGet process progress
ProjectsCreate, open, close, save, saveAs, copy and delete a StoX...
ProjectUtilsUtilities for projects.
purgeOutputDelete the contents of the output folder of a model.
readModelDataRead the output files of a project
readProcessOutputFileFunction to read a single process output file, possibly by...
readStoX2.7OutputFileRead output file from StoX 2.7
rearrangeProcessesRearrange processes of a StoX model.
removeProcessRemove a StoX process
removeProcessesRemove a StoX process
ReportBootstrapReport Bootstrap
ReportBootstrapDataReported Bootstrap data
ReportBootstrapNetCDF4Report BootstrapNetCDF4
ReportBootstrapNetCDF4DataReported BootstrapNetCDF4 data
ResampleBioticAssignmentByPSUResamples biotic PSUs
ResampleBioticAssignmentByStratumResamples biotic PSUs
ResampleMeanLengthDistributionDataResamples biotic PSUs within Stratum in...
ResampleMeanNASCDataResamples acoustic PSUs
ResampleMeanSpeciesCategoryCatchDataResamples biotic PSUs within Stratum in...
resetModelReset a StoX model.
RstoxFrameworkThe Engine of StoX
RstoxPackageStatusGet package status of an Rstox package
runFunctionGeneral functions to run a function of an Rstox package,...
runModelRun a model of a StoX project
runProcessRun one process
runProcessesRun processes of a model.
runProjectRun all models of a StoX project
runProject_ReplaceAcousticFilesAdd a process DefineAcousticPSU with DefinitionMethod...
runProjectsRun all models of a StoX project
stopProcessesStop runProcesses().
stoxFunctionAttributesA list of the attributes of the exported StoX functions:
StoXGUI_interfacesGet objects for use in the GUI
StratumStratum manipulation
toJSON_RstoxConvert to JSON
unlistToDataTypeFunction to flatten a list of output datat and add names from...
unReDoProjectFunction to undo or redo, i.e., reset the current project...
unzipProjectFunction for unzipping a zipped StoX project
writeActiveProcessIDThis function has the primary use of writing the proided...
write_list_as_tables_NetCDFF4Write/append a table/list of tables to NetCDF4
writeProjectDescriptionWrite the project description.
writeProjectDescriptionJSONWrite project description to a file in json format
writeStoxJsonSchemaExport StoX JSON schema
StoXProject/RstoxFramework documentation built on Oct. 17, 2023, 1:24 p.m.