
Defines functions roundPOSIXct

# FIXME: catch bad inputs (0, -x)
# FIXME: uneven in.seconds values can lead to unexpected results (eg. 7)
#' Round POSIXct values
#' A given POSIXct value is rounded according to the given parameters
#' @param x A POSIXct value
#' @param in.seconds A numeric value (in seconds) to round to.
#' @param round.fun A function for rounding (round, ceiling, floor, trunc)
#' @export
roundPOSIXct <- function(x, in.seconds = calculateMainInterval(x),
                         round.fun = round) {
    msg = paste0(
      "MyUtilities::roundPOSIXct is deprecated.\n Use ",
      "lubridates round_date, ceiling_date, floor_date instead."
  if (!"POSIXct" %in% class(x)) {
    stop("A POSIXct value was expected")
  time.zone <- attr(x, "tzone")
  rounded.values <- round.fun((as.numeric(x) / in.seconds)) * in.seconds
  out.posix <- as.POSIXctFixed(rounded.values,
    tz = time.zone,
    origin = "1970-01-01"
Sumpfohreule/MyUtilities documentation built on July 1, 2022, 1:21 a.m.