
.clear_tempdir <- function() {
  temp_dir_files <- dir(tempdir(), full.names = TRUE)
  unlink(temp_dir_files, recursive = TRUE)

.createDummyDataFrame <- function(column_names) {
  dummy_data_count <- length(column_names) * 5
  dummy_data <- matrix(1:dummy_data_count, ncol = length(column_names)) %>%
    data.frame() %>%

  # Should be character but can't have mixed units
  fake_numeric_unit_row <- rep(9999, length(column_names))
  dummy_data <- rbind(fake_numeric_unit_row, dummy_data)

test_that("Empty columns with header are imported correctly", {
  test_data <- .createDummyDataFrame(c("Datum", "Temp_900", "Temp_904", "SE_900", "SE_904"))
  test_data[-1, "SE_900"] <- NA
  test_data[-1, "SE_904"] <- NA
  path <- file.path(tempdir(), "Test.xlsx")
  openxlsx::write.xlsx(test_data, path, sheetName = "Fichte")

    object = names(importAggregateExcelSheet(xlsx_path = path, sheet = "Fichte")),
    expected = c("Datum", "Temp_900", "Temp_904", "SE_900", "SE_904")

test_that("Duplicated columns are handled without error", {
  test_data <- .createDummyDataFrame(c("Datum", "PR", "PR", "Temp_900", "Temp_904", "SE_900", "SE_904"))
  path <- file.path(tempdir(), "Test.xlsx")
  openxlsx::write.xlsx(test_data, path, sheetName = "Fichte")

  modified_table <- importAggregateExcelSheet(path, sheet = "Fichte")
  expect_equal(names(modified_table), c("Datum", "PR", "PR", "Temp_900", "Temp_904", "SE_900", "SE_904"))

test_that("Non standard 'Datum' columns are recognized and changed to just that", {
  test_data <- .createDummyDataFrame(c("%Datum"))

  path <- file.path(tempdir(), "Test.xlsx")
  openxlsx::write.xlsx(test_data, path, sheetName = "Fichte")

  modified_table <- importAggregateExcelSheet(path, sheet = "Fichte")
  expect_equal(names(modified_table), c("Datum"))
Sumpfohreule/MyUtilities documentation built on July 1, 2022, 1:21 a.m.