correlate: Calculates correlation between vectors shifted by titrations.

Description Usage Arguments Value


For a matrix, with each row representing a compound vector constructed of features and titrations. correlate will calculate the correlation for each vector compared against the average of all the other vectors, shifted by a number of titrations in both directions. This is to align compound vectors invariant of differing potencies.


correlate(x, metadata, return_max = TRUE)



Matrix or dataframe of compound vectors. Each column representing an individual compound vector. This should have been produced by


corresponding metadata for x, produced by calculate_d and scaled with scale_d construct_metadata


Boolean. If TRUE, then will only return the shift that produced the maxmimum correlation. If return_max = FALSE, it will return all shifts and their associated correlations.


List of correlation measurements, each element of the list corresponds to a compound vector in the order given by x

Swarchal/TISS documentation built on May 9, 2019, 3:24 p.m.