Man pages for SydneyBioX/phosphoR
A set of methods and tools for comprehensive analysis of phosphoproteomics data

medianScalingMedian centering and scaling
PhosphoSite.humanPhosphoSitePlus annotations for human (updated 2019)
PhosphoSite.mousePhosphoSitePlus annotations for mouse (updated 2019)
PhosphoSite.ratPhosphoSitePlus annotations for rat (updated 2019)
RUVphosphoRUV for phosphoproteomics data normalisation
stImputeSingle treatment (st) impute
tailImputeTail impute
ttImputeTreatment-treatment (tt) impute
SydneyBioX/phosphoR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:58 a.m.